The good news, I signed a letter of engagement today and begin my new position on Monday. No more making the day stretch, I get a decent wage, one rostered day off a month and a boss with the same sense of humour as me. I can't wait. Now the nerves set in wondering if I can actually 'walk the walk' and not just 'talk the talk'!
And to those of you struggling trying to get employment my heart goes out to you in every way. I'd employ you all if I had the means. Believe me there have been things going through my head and within my little family unit that I dare not mention on the blog. It's been hell, humiliating, embarrassing, demoralising and devastating. Especially to Roy and Brian, keep looking, keep trying . . .
All I can say to you is work at anything to get you by, use the welfare system if you need it, that's why you've been paying tax all your life, it's there as a safety net for you. I wish you all the luck and good timing in the world. Frankly this position was sheer luck, in the right place at the right time and I'd had 4 weeks to prove I had a little more nouse than most and a world of experience and a supervisor and two ex-employers who were prepared to give me glowing references. For that I can't thank them enough.
I've worked for a pittance for 8 weeks, (remember I'm a single so no other wage to see me through the dark times). I've applied for about 160 jobs and had rejection after rejection without them even meeting me. I've been interviewed four times and pipped at the post and finally . . . something came through. It's not perfect, it's not my dream job but it's a job, I think it will be reasonably rewarding and I've never been more grateful in my life! Unless you've been through it, you probably will never understand the awfulness of being rejected for something you know you are well equipped to achieve.
Have a great weekend folks, I have a bottle of French Champers to scull. I mean sip gently. . ! It's been on ice since Mother's Day in May and I vowed not to open it until I had a permanent position.

My kids are often and particularly in this case, AWESOME! Thank you Adam and Clare for putting up with what's been a very hard time for all of us. I love you more than you will ever know and unfortunately, you know more than perhaps you should.
Many congrats mrs. Of course you can walk the walk, it'll be a breeze.
Have a good one!
A drop by here I'm doing :DD
Now, not a word of complaint about your employer for the next two years! ;-)
Congratulations on the job! Fuckwit is going to be my new favorite curse. Previous winner: Holy Smacks! Yeah, I'm a little vanilla...
You deserves them bubbles so savour every drop. Congratulations! I dedicate my Coopers Sparkling Ale to Baino's happy and prosperous future! Huzzah!!!
Awesome, Congratulations ,hug hug AND hip hip hooray!
Im really happy it has worked out for you and wish you all the best!
How many seconds did it take to scull that bottle of bubbly?
Thank you sweet peaz . . it was lubly . .seriously I've had Verve and Moet and Bolly (all of course bought as gifts) but this . .heaven in a bokkle! Hic! Sadly I have nurtured a taste for champagne in my daughter who sculled half a glass before nicking out tonight . .never scull B&S
Well done! Hells Bells
That's 'well done' on waiting so long to drink that lubly bokkle!
Only messing - I'm thrilled you got the 'real' job. You deserve a medal for perseverance.
Good luck on Monday!
Congratulations ...such a relief that will be for you!
Perhaps it will turn out to be better than the job you thought you were dreaming of!
Congratulations!!! What super news! I'm *so* happy for you! Best of luck at the new job ... POP ... did you hear that? Champagne is popping here in the U.S. for you. :) xo
You'll walk the walk just fine, backwards and standing on yout head, with your hands tied behind your back so you will.
You'll look absolutely fucking hilarious contorted everyway like this but you'll be great anyway. Go get 'em Tiger!
Congratulations, Baino! I'm glad to see this finally resolved.
What, Oz doesn't make a champagne? They make every other sort of wine (my favorite being Black Opal Shiraz). Or how about NZ? They have some dynamite Sauvignon Blancs, you'd think a bubbly wouldn't be much of a stretch.
Congratulations on getting the job. And remember: it doesn't matter if you walk the walk. Most of the time all you have to do is talk the talk. That's what really matters.
A huge congrats Baino! I don't know anyone more deserving!
Roy, Champagne is only made in France in the Champagne region, anything else is not champagne. You can get Prosecco or Asti in Italy, Cava from Catalonia or Sekt from Austria or Germany. Sorry for the nerdy wine fact
This made my weekend. At Annie's birthday party tomorrow we will raise a congratulatory glass to you!!!!!
Yea!!!!!!! Congratulations! A lot of worry just went out the door. So very happy for you and enjoy that champagne.
I knew it would happen!!
Many congratulations Baino!
grats baino! that's super news... :)
yeah, single parenting, with little or no income, truly SUX! :(
Hip! Hip! Hooray! Congratulations.
Enjoy the Brut bubbly. I know I would.
There, I told you that you would get it. Too good not to. Drink the champers and enjoy the next two years (but make sure you still have time to post to your blog).
Whee! Congratulations.
Absolutely delighted for - CONGRATS!
You will dazzle them!
What does "to have a battle on her hands" mean? You know so far all English teacher except 2 (one of them is American) had negative effect on my attitude to English but she may have lethal effect on it. After 2 lessons it seems so.
Congratulations! We're popping a bottle of fizzy rosé here at English Towers to toast your success, Baino!
Big hugs and knock 'em dead, girl!
Congratulations Baino :)! Take it easy with the bubbly though ;)
Congratulations! I'm sure you can cope with the job, you've got more than enough skills and experience. It must be an incredible relief that someone has finally given you a vote of confidence.
Congratulations, Baino! Sorry it all got fucked up for you and it took too long, but you now have that permanent position! Yay!!
Enjoy your bubble!
yay! that's all.
Does your employer know how lucky he or she is??
Congrats Baino. I knew you'd get it! :)
What a fantastic post to read! And how lovely that champagne must taste -- here's to Monday!
Congrats Baino! And glad that they found the error but drink up ;)
YAY! congratulations! I am really excited for you. My time is coming soon, so save some bubbly for me. smiles.
my dearest baino is now officially employed. YES! YES! YES!
it's kind of an employment orgasm...
congratulations honey hells
Only KJ could have that kind of a thrill.
Congrads to you - that's terrific news. It is very tough out there and I really felt your frustration and pain. Good luck in the new job - and enjoy it!
Tsup*!* Brilliant news *!*
Well congratulations. I'm glad this has happened for you. I read the employment pages this morning and there's nothing there to tempt me, so it's back to Coles on Monday morning.
i'm so glad for you, congrats!!!
(word Verif. is snectur. made me snigger)
pop that cork baby I'm so happy for you .I start my reg fall job next summer bills ho's my birthday - you have a great weekend.sandy
*Raises a glass of Champers*
Congratulations & well deserved!
Your new boss is very lucky to have you on board.
M x
Hooray for you, Baino. Enjoy your new job. I imagine you've mmm-ed and ahh-ed after every little sip of that special bubbly you kept chilled and waiting.
Huge big giant Congratulations!!!
Well deserved and even past due. Those others won't ever know what they have missed. Their loss.
Good job Ms Baino!
I am so happy for you! Breath now dearest...
Cool. Excellent :) :)
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