Friday, March 06, 2009

Friday Fuckwit

A Japanese astronaut going to space this month will try to fly on a carpet, use eyedrops in zero gravity and meet a series of other off-beat challenges, a space agency official said.

Koichi Wakata will perform 16 tasks chosen from 1,597 suggested by hundreds of people, from nursery school pupils to a 90-year-old man, said the official at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

Mr Wakata will try "a magic carpet that floats in the air" after he reaches the Japanese laboratory Kibo (Hope) at the International Space Station (ISS) later in March for a stay of more than three months, said a JAXA report.

"It is a fantasy on earth but can humans fly in space?" it asked.

Mr Wakata will also attempt to fold clothes, do push-ups and backflips, arm-wrestle another astronaut and "shoot liquid out of the straw of a drink container to see what happens", said the space agency.

JAXA said it would release footage of the experiments to Japanese media.

Mr Wakata, a 45-year-old former Japan Airlines engineer, joined previous NASA space shuttle missions in 1996 and 2000.

On his first space trip he and a fellow astronaut became the first to play the board game Go in space, using a special set.

In another initiative, the Japanese space agency has invited companies to rent an astronaut by the hour in the ISS space lab to perform desired tasks, which could include advertisements or science experiments.

The hourly charge for an astronaut is 5.5 million yen ($86,000) - plus an extra fee to transport any required items into space of 3.3 million yen ($51,000) per kilogram.

Excuse me but aren't we in a global recession? Oh God don't get me started!

No you're right. Lousy internet problems turned me into a mad woman!

Please . . .I need a spaceman . .Major Tom . .where are you . open the pod doors Hal!


Bimbimbie said...

Halfway through the same thought flew into space here ... how much is this costing and who is daft enough to pay, and what a waste of a good carpet for frugal sake ;)

Grow Up said...

Strung out on heaven's high, hitting that all time low....

Miladysa said...

But will the carpet fly...

Gledwood said...

the Japanese are a people after my own heart!!

Ces Adorio said...

Come to America. Obama will give you anything.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the Japanese can shoot all our bankers into space and we'll get civil servants to run the banks instead. They'd probably make a better job of it.

And yes, how come they can afford millions for space research while ordinary Japanese are struggling money-wise?

Melissa said...

LOL! Oh my -- I would love to read the list of requests he was sent ... Happy weekend, Baino!

Avid Reader said...

I wouldn't mind the magic carpet ride. Fixated on them as a child. But folding clothes? Hope they give him long sleeved shirts and some staticky socks.

Candie said...

UH?!Is that real?Crazy people!

Now that's what I was saying yesterday evening,money put in those kind of crap,while everyone is losing their jobs and houses...Whatever!

Have a nice day and weekend too

i beati said...

no bail out here..sandy

Anonymous said...

Oh good grief! It's no wonder Aliens haven't contacted us yet. All those millions to see if he can fold clothes? I'm sure that'll be a major requirement for when we go on long space missions, or open up a space laundrette!
I've got one for him, let him see if he can do a spacewalk, remove his helmet and count to 10 without his head exploding!

Brian Miller said...

lol. nice rant. did not say it would not be fun, but honestly... maybe they are trying to renew peoples interest in space... or maybe they just had too much koolaid.

Anonymous said...

Japan has a space programme? Who's next? I'd like a grant on the effects of fluid travel in a vacuum, when shot through a straw. I figure if Iowa can get a couple million for pig odours,well, why not?

Anonymous said...

It's the Brideshead phenomenon. Do you remember the TV series based on Waugh's book? Incredibly extravagant lives while the world outside was living through the 20s and the 30s

Anonymous said...

Waste like this makes me want to give up!

Susan at Stony River said...

Geez. I could almost feel better about our own government ministers flying to golf courses in helicopters, while disability benefits get cut back.


Maybe I should be in the astronaut business.

Anonymous said...

I heard a myth about an ancient astronaut. It happened in China and he fixed many rocket like stuff to a chair and he was sitting on it. Somehow he made a mechanics which could have lit them simultaneously.

Baino said...

Well the Japs are known for their hair brained schemes Bimbimbie ...does seem an awful waste for a country that's been in recession for a decade!

Ah . .time to leave the capsule if you dare!

Of course it will Miladysa, it's magic.

God Gleds, another reason to worry about you.

Really Ces? I'm on my way!

The second largest economy in the world is up the shute Nick . . .maybe they feel it will 'lift spirits'.

Would be interesting Melissa but about as useful as a chocolate teapot!

Avid I hope he also gets a pile of inside out odd socks. That's what I'll be doing this morning! Turning all the right way round!

Candie it does seem like misguided priorities alright.

Jack I reckon they've been, seen and buggered off we're such an idiotic lot!

Here either Sandy. We're all firmly grounded!

It's the green colouring that does it Brian!

Hmm . . .must think of silly physics experiement and apply for said grant Subby! Makes as much sense as String Theory!

We're in the same boat Susan, only our kids are getting laptops but can't afford the internet connection at some schools!

Haha . .you're in a good mood Ropi! Did he take off? Bit like that priest in South America who tied balloons to his chair, disappeared into the blue and hasn't been seen since! Risky Business.

Anonymous said...

Baino-String Theory-Bwahahaha! I can't believe some of the crap we tax-payers are forced to fund. Like the study of grape genetics!( New York is getting 2.2mil for that ). For what? A super-wine?

Baino said...

C'mon Subby a super wine is well worth a government grant *hic*

laughingwolf said...

i see nothing worthwhile in any of that crap he's supposed to do >(

Anonymous said...

Well...I can see the point of that. But really..the flow rate of ketchup? I think 'twas Denmark spent 15mil or so on how "beer bellies" are formed! The results? Drinking large quantities of beer together with little exercise! I coulda made some money, here!

River said...

I'm betting he won't be able to fold clothes in space any more than men anywhere on earth can fold them. My man takes his socks and jocks off the line and just throws the whole bunch into his drawer.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I'm so excited!! All that money being used SOOOOO wisely!

a. said...

I kinda wanna see the footage of what happens when they shoot the liquid out of the straw. :}

Megan said...

I'd like to try those things in space.

Mrsupole said...

I guess when it is not your money that you are spending, than you can spend it on stupid things.

I would rather they take that money and help me pay some of my mortgage off. But wait I am one of the responsible people who try and make my payment every month. We have no savings, but we struggle and make that payment. Maybe if they stopped taking my tax money for these stupid experiments, we could have some savings. Guess that will never happen. Sigh.

kj said...

you know that song, 'i believe i can fly'? this takes that to new heights!

hope you're having a good weekend, baino.


xxx said...

Come on Baino.... would you really say no to that magic carpet ride?
I've had a good read here today & as always you make me smile.
Hope the feeling of fragility has passed and you're on the road to feeling solid again.

Best wishes :-) Ribbon

PS have you considered creating a Super Hero....... might be time for a visit to the hero factory!

Candie said...

Hello,I have tagged you hehe

Unknown said...

I just hope for his sake the magic carpet doesn't decide to ride him - and that it doesn't go where no carpet has been before, like right up the whazoo.
There is no recession for astronauts, didn't you know that. It is much better to spend money on riding magic carpets in outer space than it is to feed millions of starving people. Priorities, Baino, I mean, come on.
