Some people will go to fisticuffs to get their point across, and others will go to, well, handcuffs.
Such was the case of an American women having marital problems who desperately wanted to talk to her husband after he apparently decided to leave her. Helen Sun, 37, was arrested Tuesday after sneaking into Robert Drawbough's bedroom and handcuffing herself to him while he slept so they could talk. Drawbough, frightened by his wife's antics, however, called police immediately and begged the dispatcher for help after his wife began biting and scratching him.
In his call to 911, Drawbough tries to explain to the dispatcher what his wife has done to him.
"My wife has handcuffed me and I need some assistance! She's handcuffed me and she's attacking me and I have not done anything to her. She has a record of violence, please come and help me get out of here!"
When the dispatcher asks him if he can free himself from his wife, he desperately screams, "No, she's handcuffed herself to me, please send police!"
Later in the call, Drawbough begins screaming in pain and tells the dispatcher his wife is biting him. The dispatcher then asks him why she would do this to him.
Drawbough: "Because I divorced her and tried leaving, and [screams in pain multiple times]."Finally, about three minutes into the call, police arrive and kick down the door to his Fairfield home. They freed Drawbough from his wife and arrested her.
Dispatcher: "What is she doing that's making you--"
Drawbough: "She's biting my arm!"
Drawbough was treated at a local hospital for bite marks and scratches to his torso and arms.
Sgt. James Perez told WCBS that Sun had an unusual explanation for the incident.
"She basically said, this is the only way I can get him to talk. So she wanted him to be there with her and to hear her out exclusively with no distractions, so that’s’ why she decided to handcuff him,"

Ah LOL! She got the rules wrong there- handcuffing in marriage is supposed to be consensual isn't it?!
Sounds like she was just doing what she had to do. Every woman knows how impervious men can be when they're trying to discuss something important....
I thought this was sorta funny when I heard it on the news the other day. Maybe that is why he divorced her. She is crazy. She should of handcuffed him to the bed, then claimed that they were into S&M, no police would have come then. But it would have been useless anyway, cause he would have known she was crazy then.
I just love these Friday Fuckwits. I think I am getting addicted to them.
God bless.
Tsup*!* Checking in for my Friday grin ... guessing he served her with the papers then. Love the alley cat look*!*
brings a whole new meaning to the ol' ball n' chain
Some people are nuts! Crazy! Pathological dependency, dysfunctional, neurotic, desperate...keep her head above water and maintain her poise - let him go!
clearly that chap needed a few lessons in 'effective listening simulation'. An essential husband skill.
i think she couldn't talk to him because she was too busy putting the bitey on him. he couldn't listen and scream at the same time.
ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha :D
I love your fridays fuckwit!;)
oh my. captive audience...experiential learning in active fun post.
We-ell, ya know, a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do...
She handcufffed herself to him, to talk to him?? What did she want to say, "I want to bite your arm off"?
It seems we hear these stories more and worries me when I think of my kids dating! The world is full of lunatics just waiting to do weird sh!t to them. I hope they (my kids, not the lunatics) get lucky.
Him that is!
I know a lotta guys that would pay a lotta money to be handcuffed to a woman and have her bite them!
As I was reading this I couldn't help thinking, "Who's the fuckwit here? The wife or the dispatcher who asked if he could free himself and why his wife was doing this to him?" Then I read that it only took the police three minutes to get to the home, and the dispatcher was probably doing all he or she could to keep the man calm.
Americans are crazy, they have so many excuses, love to blame others instead of just shaping up. If you want fuckwit and dysfunctional, I don't even know wehere to start with my ER experience.
That's hilarious and sick and funny and weird and wrong and...hilarious!
I hadn't heard this one yet, surprised I didn't catch it on the radio at some point.
Love the fuckwit as well, always makes my Friday better!
Cinnamon I think it's also supposed to be sexy no?
Never cross an angry woman Nick we're capable of terrible things
Mrs Supole! S & M and I thought you were a clean living little sweetheart! I aim to please!
Annie I'm not sure about whether they were in fact divorced. Drastic measures eh? You smile over the weekend now!
Speaking of which Mr Quickie . .how's yours doing with you away for so long?
Hmm . .he must be quite a catch Ces?
Aww Grow UP, you're such a dishy daddy . .bet you're ace on the 'listening' scale
Edward that's probably true. I was bitten severely this week by a Burmese because I stopped tickling him under the chin!
Candie, there's more than one 'nutter' in the shop!
Brian there's nothing weirder than the truth!
Hello Avvers. Back from hols? Of course D would never warrant such treatment!
Oh Suze, you have all that in front of you. May their handcuffs be pink and fluffy (not that I'd know about these things!)
Jack he probably thought she was doing it for a completely different reason if you get my gist!
I never thought of that Chris? Then they must get a few kinky calls.
Ces you should write about it. Change the names to protect the stupid of course.
Sadly Megan it doesn't take me long to find a Friday fool!
wottabuncha losers! lol
this kind of reminds me of the story of john bobbit and his detached penis...
If not for the biting( I mean not so hard, lass ). But she allegedly has a history of violence. If he'd only listened...AGH! An always one to prank the ol' Ace Ventura gag :)
It takes all kinds....
It takes all kinds....
She reminds me of my females.
How are you today my sweet Baino? I get to stay up with you tonight, I have another project implementation at midnight! Wowie!
(continued from my blog)...have a place in my heart.
All hail the Friday Fool!
Well Wuffa . .she certainly had a captive audience!
OH kj don't go there . . .
Subby . .so I believe but he left his town and came back . .sucker for punishment?
GM doesn't it just. Hope he tasted good!
Welcome GB . .I've seen you from somewhere and can't think where . . you do realise that Gorillas don't eat bananas?
Awww . . sorry Ces . ..midnight at work is cruel and unusual punishment! Thanks hun . .you in mine also!
Ronda I have difficulty choosing what to publish on a Friday but I like to keep it humerous . .although perhaps not so for him!
LOL! Handcuffing - and biting - purely optional as foreplay and should definitely be consensual, as Cinnamon says!
Did she think she could get him to stay with her by playing rough? ROFL!
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