Saturday, August 08, 2009

Work in progress . . .trying to get the right width . . .


Ces Adorio said...

Good luck sweet! You'll get it done! Goodnight.

Baino said...

Goodnight Ma'am . . .yeh, getting there, I just can't get myheader wrappper right. Then I took that photo in low res so probably have to choose a new header photo anyway. Sleep tight!

xxx said...

I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but it's an awesome photo.

Good luck

x Ribbon

Baino said...

Ribbon I want to post larger pics really but have to make the margins smaller and the pic size bigger to fit. Trouble is my text has gone all lttle and my html coder has disappeared to watch the men play soccer!

steph said...

Resourceful, is right! Who needs men anyway? ;-)

I hope you have success in finding a happy medium.

Grannymar said...

I'm no help 'cept to say I like both shots.

Brian Miller said...

like the new header. the colors in the pic are nice. i hope you are having a greta weekend.

Gledwood said...

Hey I know someone who's been on that steamer. Or one just like it...

laughingwolf said...

love the sailboat ;)

Alan Burnett said...

"trying to get the right width" Is that a quote from the chap who built the bridge?

Candie said...

I like it like that!Nice pic!

Anonymous said...

Nice photo, where was it taken?

Anonymous said...

Looks spot on on my 15"screen and on safari browser.

Renee said...

Great picture.


Ronda Laveen said...

I was hoping you were shopping for men:-) it's important to get the right size.

California Girl said...

I hear ya! I changed Empty Nest to a stretch template and I think I like it better but am not quite sure. I then filled in my Women of A Certain Age masthead with a photo and I can't decide if I like that or if I need to try out different photos or just keep mixing it up. Decisions, decisions.

Susan at Stony River said...

It's looking beautiful! I miss spreading across the page, but after all the trouble of changing, UGH, it'll stay put for a while LOL.

You can't go wrong with lovely white horses, anyhow. I'm loving the new look, even if it is 'in progress'. Have fun!

Baino said...

Haha . . Steph I'm in the happy medium! I want a happy large!

Thanks GM . .it's been my avatar for a while now.

Thanks Brian but is the text to small?

Not steamers any more Gleds. That's one of the smaller ferries. That flits across the harbour. The colours are great are't they?

What sailboat? You looking into the distance again Wuffa?

Haha . .dunno Alan but thankfully it is the right width! I love that bridge. There's nothing nicer than driving across it on a sunny Sunday. Hell in peak hour though.

Thanks Candie, it really captures the essence of the Harbour.

Ropi! Are you joking. That's Sydney harbour viewed from Circular Quay last January. It's where the ferries come and go and the Iternational Cruise Ship Terminal is.

Thanks Unstranger, that's the sort of feedback I need. If it's OK on a 15" should be fine on the bigger screens. Mine's 24" and it looks OK.

One of my faves on a cold wintry morning Renee although it's been beautiful and sunny this weekend.

Ronda you're quite right but no, playing with html I'm not a fan of shopping.

Cali I like both of yours actually. But I'm trying to avoid a black background. It's dramatic for photos but some readers find it hard to read reverse type.

Thanks Suze . .I probably should have a photo and a normal blog but I just don't have the time to maintain both. All my photos are on Flickr if anyone's interested but they do look more dramatic at 810 wide.

Mike said...

I want to try to make my blog wider, but I am afraid to mess with it! I think that you did great!

Anonymous said...

Damn Baino! Too wide!( 'course, I'm using an LCD telly for a monitor and can't format to fit, wot? ). kimy's( mouse medicine )comes over the same way. Other than that, it looks hella better!

laughingwolf said...

only way to know what could be sneaking up on ya, baino ;) lol

River said...

I love your new header picture.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but these boats weren't familiar. I don't know a lot about Australia. If someone mentions me your country to me only 5 things appears in my mind: Prison Island, Mark Webber, cangoroo, desert and hot and it is good in this way. I hear enough westernish blah blah when I watch TV and when we learn the history of Western Europe or US history.

jay said...

Aaah .. I wondered what you meant for a while! LOL!

I use one of those templates that adjust to fit, um, I can't remember what they're called. Dynamic? Stretchy? I give up! Can Blogger do that?

Baino said...

Otin,it's not that hard but helps that I have Clare to oversee.

Subby, that's a shame, I thought it was working for most. I'll make the text large and you'll just have to zoom out or something.

River they're my boys. The little white dude was covered in steel grey dapples when we bought him . . old age gets to us all and he's now totally white! That's my morning view!

Not sure what you mean Ropi. We're actually not technically 'Westerners' we're Antipodeans . . it's been a long time since the jailers used a cat and nine tails in the colony. We consider ourselves a Pacific Island Nation. The harbour though, is very beautiful. And trust me . .at the moment it might be sunny but it's not hot.

Jay I don't know enough about it frankly. I just asked Kimy(aka Mouse) how she got her bigger photos and she sent me the code. Clare pretty much did the rest but If you're taking hi res pics it seems a shame not to show them off a bit.

Anonymous said...

I didn't mean it as your geographical location.

Kate said...

It took me a minute to work it out too - I'm afraid I'm no help - all the photos on my site are taken on my mobile phone and transmogrified to the computer!

Anonymous said...

Great photo!

Michael said...

WOW. Incredible pictures.

That's so interesting about English people coming out, going back then re-settling all over again. That would take some serious dough though, don't you think?!

That would be fun meeting other bloggers too, well another commenter in your case.

Kandi said...

Ahhh, A little poem never hurt anyone! They are quick and painless! LOL!