After learning the government had announced $10 million for a camel management plan that will include culling, Erin Burnett, an anchor on the US financial news channel CNBC, said:
"There is a serial killer in Australia and we are going to put a picture up so we can see who it is," Miss Burnett said, before showing a large photograph of Mr Rudd.
"He has launched air strikes - air strikes - against camels in the outback."
Miss Burnett is more accustomed to analysing the stock movements on Wall Street, but she broke away from normal coverage to concentrate on camels, complaining the meat and milk from the culled animals would be wasted.
Jim Cramer, CNBC's colourful financial guru, said Mr Rudd was guilty of "camelcide".
Australia is currently struggling to control more than one million feral camels that roam unchecked through the outback. Our camels are left-over's from the building of the Ghan Railway from Adelaide to Alice springs and they're thriving so well that we even export them back to the middle east. However they now number in their millions. The herds destroy fragile ecosystems and trample over sacred indigenous sites.
I really wish I could show you a clip of this woman's rant, it was hilarious. Especially coming from a country that has no hesitation in killing it's native animals (bears and wolves from helicopters for instance).
I wonder what she'd say if she knew we eat both the animals on our coat of arms:

lol. i have never tried camel. i have eaten kanga before. which is really hard to explain to the boys when we read Pooh Bear...i eat cereal she would probably rant at me as well...ceereal killer and all. smiles.
Just let the hunters loose and i'm sure the problem will be resolved pronto. How do i get a permit? I have just the place to mount my camel head.....Btw, Brian...cereal killer? oh no, you didn't!
camels??? really??? well I never!
Ah, see we need some balance. Do you think there is a market for camel bag, shoes, jacket, etc. How about using camel as an ingredient for lipstick or shampoo? That will reduce their number in a hurry.
Air strikes on feral camels? And you're not making it up?
Poor camels.
Feral CAMELS? Now I've heard everything.
That shows you how informed our news media is - shooting from the hip without doing the research first. I have friends who are from or are still living in Oz, and I've heard all about the feral camel problem. More power to them on the management plan!
Geez Ces got excited.
Had some roo stew last night. Slow-cooked with rosemary, red wine and tomatoes. Bluddy delicious, taste just like beef, half the price, half the fat, kinder to the bush than cattle.
The US bimbo doesn't understand that the camels are running wild in millions and millions of hectares of desert - the meat would be stinking like her brain cells by the time it arrived anywhere near a processing plant.
And camel is a bit like emu - very overrated and needs to marinated in something for days before it's vaguely edible.
Does no camels mean no more camel toe??? LMAO! Sorry, I just could not resist!!
I saw her comment on the box - thought it was all said in gest actually! I love Brian Miller - cereal killer!! Ha Ha Ha
Nevertheless, they seem to have forgotten about the american hunting season - bears, deer, ducks - all native to america - camels are introduced to australia!
sorry about the double up - sensitive mouse (or maybe heavy hand?)
I know Nick (veggie) probably won't agree with me here but I'd rather see them eaten than just butchered and left to rot
HAHAHA! is there an echo in here?
Cooked properly, I am sure it might be tasty. Not sure I want to try it though!
I didn't realize that Camel was a staple meat protein. Out here in California, we have lots of animal food. Bison, venison, fish, frog legs but no camel. They don't eat the Camel toes do they?
Stupid is all I have to say. The last person to talk about "serial killing" is this American woman. No offence to the beautiful American bloggers who a) did not vote for Bush at any stage in their lives, b) don't hunt animals for sport, c) do not condone the senseless wars and serial civillian killings...
Perfectly practical to eat them. Wouldn't have it any other way. Do camels taste nice? (no smoking jokes)
Goodness, someone's cloning Ces....
Actually Quicky, I think I agree with you, better eaten than left to rot. For someone like me who hates the idea of killing animals, it's a knotty problem, but obviously you can't let a million camels roam around unchecked. The numbers have got to be reduced somehow. Nasty, I know, but perhaps Tom has the most practical idea, just let the hunters loose....
No more camel toe, he he.
Groan . .actually that was pretty funny Brian.
Tom it wil match your Bullwinkle head . .
Yep, Cinnamon. Loads of them. We sell them back to the middle east I believe because they're in good condition for racing.
Dunno Ces, they stink a bit. I know you can buy a purse made out of their scro . . .no, let's not go there.
She said air strikes. More like a couple of yahoos in a helicopter! Yeh, I prefer a more targetted ground shoot. Much fairer unless you're an expert. A cull however, doesn't mean 'open' season. Usually trained experts but the last time they tried to cull brumbies (horses) from the air there was such an uproar that I don't think they'll do it that way again.
You want feral Megs, we have camels, horses, cats, rabbits, hares and foxes. And a few noxious weeds such as 'blackberries'.
Roy she'd have a caniption if she knew we ate Roo! Something needs to be done. I just hope they do it humanely. Frankly I didn't think camels were that endearing? They stink and they spit!
Yeh Ces love me long time . .I've deleted her six comments! All the same! Clare loves it, I'm yet to be convinced but I must say, I've only ever had it pretty rare. Must give it another go.
You've eaten it haven't you Kath? Part of your erstwile adventure into the interior? I think Americans think that Australia is like America. They have no idea about the huge amount of red shit in the middle!
Otin, you're very naughty. Go google Australian Camel . . in google images and report back on what you think of the image of Nicole Kidman . .one camel that Australia will not cull.
Quite so Babysis, so how do we defend eating emus and kangas? I just wish they'd pop their clogs in a more humane way. Maybe a couple of FA18's would be better than a bushy with a 303.
Oh they'll be butchered I'm sure, they'll be put into dog food I imagine.
I know kj, i've fixed it. A few people so passionate about camels they're posting their comments more than once!
Nah, not for me. Big stinky humpyluffagusses.
Rhonda, we DONT eat camels. Seriously. That delicious plate is kangaroo!
Go Gaye, Go Gaye! Fortunately, not all Americans are as silly. I really wished I could have found a video. I mean, on air! Poor old Kev . .as if he hasn't got enough on his plate.
Grow up. I have no idea and I'm not about to find out. I don't see why not . . they're the same family as Lamas and Alpacas and they seem to taste alright. I really haven't researched how they're going to dispose of the ones they cull. They'll pull out the old and the sick and a few females I'd say.
Nah Nick. I'm not up for random shooting even of animals that are pests. It's not their fault they're feral. We introduced them now want to get rid of them. As long as it's done within humane boundaries and as painlessly as possible.
@Brian Miller; cereal killers were always a joke topic in our house, we could understand people killing Rice Bubbles - the snap, crackle, pop, could get annoying,- but who would want to kill a harmless cornflake?
We've eaten kangaroo too, but only some of us have tried emu and camel. Not me. I'm told the camel isn't nice. Emu burgers on the barbie were left for the dogs.
I haven' tried camel or emu but kangaroo's OK . .I still prefer a rare steak. Crocodile is weird . .tastes like fishy chicken.
I am absolutely amazed and now feel suitably enlightened ... I was not aware that feral camels existed..anywhere but I would least expect to find them in Australia.
As someone who is against the maiming of any animal I fear that air strikes however they were carried out would leave animals writhing in agony rather than dead. It's a horrible problem..
Kate "air strikes" was the silly US woman's term but we do cull via helicopter. We're talking million acre properties BIG expanses of desert. Australia isn't like the US . .the centre is a huge hinterland with enormous propreties, mines, farms and few cities. The only way to cull is from the air. We muster cattle via helicopters and motor bikes. I do worry though that it may not be done humanely. We had a situation here 2 years ago where wild horses (also feral) were shot from helicopters and not in the most humane way. The TV footage sparked an outrage.
I think something was learned from that and I hope the RSPCA will oversee any cull. It's a fact of life in rural Australia. We regularly cull cats, foxes, camels, rabbits, cane toads . .nobody gets upset bout the cane toads. I wonder if a toad cull would get any media attention?
Its so hard to imagine what its like over there - England is so full by comparison... I know these things have to happen I just wish people would get their heads round it all before it becomes such a big problem. It is probably a good thing I never watch the news!
The island that I go to on holiday has a feral cat problem and a lot of vets when they go there - take equipment and neuter animals to try and change things - a long job but it appears to be having some effect.
sorry I'll be passing on the camels, kangaroos and emus!!
the u.s. doesn't have a coat of arms but the bald eagle is our national bird - it is a crime (felony?) to kill a bald eagle, so one can image that eating eagle is verboten!
ben franklin wanted the turkey to be the national symbol, I wonder if he got his way if there would be eagle on the dinner tables and the turkey would be a protected species!
lol... wudda made the perfect friday fuckwit, baino ;) lol
last i heard, the yanks are milking the camels in captivity there, to compete with the camel milk chocolate industry bonanza outta the mideast!
Surely this kind of BS rates up there with the Friday F*@#wits.
It's like those idiots from PETA who make a fuss about us eating kangaroos. F@%$ off back to your own country, and don't say anything until you look at, read about, and REALLY understand what goes on here.
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