Friday, November 06, 2009

Friday Fuckwit (Is that a sausage in your pants or are you just pleased to see me)

Monday, November 2, 2009

© The Cairns Post

A MAN has been caught stuffing sausages down his pants in a bizarre alleged theft at an Innisfail supermarket.

The 38-year-old Innisfail man was charged with stealing after he was seen leaving IGA Innisfail about 6.15pm on Friday.

Police allege he had items of meat concealed in his shorts and several other items in his pockets.

The items were not returned to sale, police said.

The man will appear Innisfail Magistrates’ Court on November 30.

Now if you're going to steal . . .please don't put pureed lips and arseholes down your pants!

Have a great weekend folks. I know the pic is too disturbing but I was more drawn to the appendectomy scar . . what does that say?


Mike said...

That picture is hysterical!!! LMAO!!

I will not let you cook me sausage!

tony said...

Your Photo Made My Eyes Water!

Roy said...

Hmmmm... I think I'll refrain from comment. Heh, heh!

nick said...

I've always thought sausages look disgusting, that so confirms it! Presumably it was the rather peculiar gait caused by the secreted items that gave him away....

Anonymous said...

I am wondering what impression a sausage in the pants would give to girls and ladies. :D

(By the way I got 83% on the history contest so the bad series is unofficially over.

Alan Burnett said...

That photograph has put me right off my tea.

Brian Miller said...

ouch! cringing...

i can imagine the stories that will be going around the cell block...

Kate Hanley said...

Wow. That's all I can say. Also, I can totally understand why you had to do that photo.

Megan said...

I love this blog!!!!!!

Kat Mortensen said...

"The items were not returned to sale, police said." You're KIDDING!

I'm with Alan, lunch will now be postponed and sausages will be off the menu for good!

Mim said...

I've heard of "shit for brains" but "shit for little brains?" - that's a new good one

Christopher said...

The pic wasn't that disturbing, although I wonder why they added that "The items were not returned to sale". The sausages probably weren't fit to eat before they were stuffed down some guy's trousers, so why not put 'em back up for sale?

Darlene said...

Now I know why I don't eat sausages.

I may steal the photo to send to a couple of guys I know. I wonder if they would ever speak to me again.

Susan at Stony River said...

Umm... very glad they thought to assure the public that the items weren't going back on sale...!

Photo: OMG. I'm just glad he's facing forward, not back. And yes, the appendectomy scar lends a certain irony! LOL

Ronda Laveen said...

Pureed lips and arseholes? Actuallyu, can't think of a better place for them than down this man's pants;-)

That psychic word ver is at it again. My word is "dical."

Baino said...

Now Otin, you're getting fussy in your old age, no frogs, no sausage . . . you're reducing my culinary repertoire somewhat!

Hehe .. . . not mine Tony but it does have the 'ouch' factor!

Roy I can see ALL the men reading this crossing their legs.

I have no idea Nick . . I hope . . they were in a gladwrapped packet!

Haha . . .it's not the size of the sausage but what you do with it Ropi! Congratulations that's a great mark. Take it easy on the litre and half of beer.

Sorry Alan should have had a 'breakfast' warning there.

I knew it Brian!

Hehe . . bit of fun on a Friday Kate!

Well Kat, I'm very glad the items were not returned for sale! Who knows where they've been . . oh wait . . we do know where they've been.

Not the sharpest tool in the shed Mim.

Frankly Chris, sausages are all lips and bums to me, goodness knows what's in them.

Me either Darlene. Haha . . .well we'll see . . if my male commenters come back, I guess it's not that offensive.

Hahaha . . Suze even I wouldn't go there!

Rhonda you get all the good ones! Psychic connection indeed!

Rowe said...

Just fell off my chair (laughing), clever photo.

California Girl said...

I dunno, I think it's a jolly good show. Is it a woman or man grinding those sausages do you think?

jay said...

Oh gosh .. 'the items were not returned to sale!' ROFL!

Ronda Laveen said...

I'm trying to figure out how you got the non-suggestive portion of your picture to show on the feed post but the whole thing here. Hmmm...

River said...

I've been wanting to buy one of those mincing machines for a while, all the secondhand ones I find are so rusty, I think I'll have to lay out the $$ and get a new one. But I won't be using the sausage attachment......

lettuce said...


Anonymous said...

Too many jokes .. must ... not ... comment .....

It was abit like the fella caught crossing borders in Europe recently with live snakes strapped to him and other things .. they caught him as his shirt kept moving !!!

Dumbarse !

Mrsupole said...

LOL, I really like the scar and it is interesting, but I am not sure I would have noticed it if you had not pointed it out.

Hmmm, I think I have one of those sausage maker attachments to my Kitchen Aid Mixer, but I am not sure and now I do not want to even check. Maybe I will have to quit thinking about pureed lips and arseholes.

This was just too funny. Thanks for the pic, I love the beautiful skin.

God bless.

My word veri is 'urinward', I am not kidding, that is just too much. said...

Ah... the PERFECT photo! Well done! Well done!

word verification = outimatic
Perfect for a coming out machine like this!

Renee said...

Oh my God I'm fucking laughing my head off. First I laughed at you at monsters and aliens to cheer up and now this. Thank you..... har har

By the way, did you read the book and if so was the movie close to it. I have read the book but not yet seen the movie.

(my word is winias)

Love Renee xoxo

Sandy Kessler said...

super photo I'll be back for that sausage.

I jjust saw a comedy bit by Mike and Mike have issues and Dick pants ahahahhahahaah

laughingwolf said...

stupid is as stupid does, baino... lol

Anonymous said...

Sunday night and I'm thinking of the week ahead, facing the daily grind. Obviously someone, somewhere without an appedix has more fun with this daunting challenge ahead,than I do!

Ces Adorio said...


I had sausage last night! Hahahahah!

It was overdone.

Michael said...

Whoa. I thought I had hit the wrong site there for a mo and panicked, being her at starbucks and all! Ha.

"The items were not returned to sale, police said."
--So very glad to read this! LOL.

Candie said...

How did I miss that?LMAO!Ah that picture is funny but kind of gross though!lol