Thursday, January 28, 2010

Akubra - It's Australian for "Hat"

Theme Thursday again and a double whammy with "Felt" and "Impression" as the theme. I'm struggling with a dicky keyboard because my nice sleek Apple job has decided that "Y" needs a holiday!

Most people probably consider felt as a type of cloth - smoother and tougher than cotton or woollen fabric, but cloth nonetheless. But really there is little similarity. Unlike cloth, felt is made up of many short, single animal fibres. These fibres interlock; they have a natural tendency to "crawl" and twist when kneaded and manipulated in hot water and steam. Pressure, heat and water are used throughout the felt making process.

Here in Australia there is one famous felt hat. Greg Norman is frequently seen coming in under par in one, farmers wouldn't think of hitting the midday sun without one. . . hell even my son wears one when he's mowing the lawn. Yep, you have to have an Akubra.

Although preferred in country areas, everyone here understands the charm and sheer Aussiness of a genuine rabbit felt Akubra hat. And before you start throwing fake blood at us . . rabbits are a feral pest here. Millions of them cause havoc in semi rural and rural areas. Cute as they are, we aim for them when driving down the road and Lily doesn't mind a bit of road kill for breakfast. I have rabbits under the shed, in the paddock, on the road, in the hedgerows . .they're everywhere. It's not their fault but they are as damaging as any other pest and continue to make a very negative impression on our landscape. And remember, I live in the burbs . . I still find them on the lawn in the morning and literally grazing just outside the carport at dusk.

So when you visit, among your Taiwanese Koalas, non indigenous boomerangs, tacky imported T shirts and fake flags, take home a real Australian . . an Akubra Hat! You'll be sure to make an impression. It's so Aussie . . .we don't even add the word 'hat' you just put on your Akubra.

Now go and visit the others who don't have to bang the shit out of their keyboards to make an impression. My fingers have really felt the pain!


e said...

Wonderful hats and post. Happy TT and sorry about your "Y."

Anonymous said...

So that's what those are called! Cool take, Baino :)

California Girl said...

i'm having an "o" problem with my keyboard.

Hugh Jackman is now my favorite hunky actor. The guy can do anything and he's so built!

Looks like Paul Hogan is alive & well?

Kate Hanley said...

Your post reminded me of the movie Rabbit Proof Fench - which I really liked. And, I have to say here in suburban American, I have a TON of rabbits in my yard as well, probably due to the field behind my house. Great take on the theme, I had no idea about the Austrailian hat, next time my husband has to go there for work, I'm going to tell him to pick one up!

Kathy G said...

I'm having a problem with the y on my keyboard too! What's up?

Roy said...

I gotta get me one of them!

hokgardner said...

I'm learning how to felt things I knit, but I think a hat is beyond my meagre skills.

And I'll take one of those hats provided Hugh will deliver it personally!

Susan at Stony River said...

Y oh Y do keyboards act up? On mine it's the 7 and Delete.

That's a fabulous name for a very cool hat -- I loved this post.

And yes, I have to laugh whenever I pick up something in a souvenir shop and the label is 'Made in Not-Here-Anyway'. I go looking for something more authentic!

nick said...

They're very nifty. The pink trim's pretty cool too. And there's even room inside for a couple of dead rabbits....

JeffScape said...

Kate beat me to it... but I was going to mention Rabbit Proof Fence.

And, other than that, I have nothing profound for you today. :(

Janice said...

I want an Akubra!

Grannymar said...

I think I would suit an Akubra! With the boots of course. ;)

Wings1295 said...

Never knew about them! Cool stuff.

Brian Miller said...

nice. i actually have one...given to me several years back. very comfortable...and has accompanied me on many an adventure.

Betsy Brock said...

I want one!

Tom said...

oy, time for a new keyboard! That's a snazzy hat...might have to look into one of them--anything to be more like Hugh!

Anonymous said...

The first guy looks like Indiana Jones. We have many special clothings as well (folk stuff). However underwear is a Hungarian invention.

Ian Poulton said...

why are there no corks hanging from the brim?

Don't Aussie hats look like this! ;-)

Kristi said...

I loved the first photo but I'm not sure it ws due to the hat! LOL!

Just followed you here from Jen Chandler's the blog!!!

Anonymous said...

I want one! Wonderful. Poor bunnies.

Stephanie said...

Cool hats.

Kris McCracken said...

And yet I have never worn one.

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

An awesome gift!
Next time I'm down your way I will be SURE to buy one! I am NOT a fan of the bunny rabbit! Cute as they are they make a JOKE of my veggie garden when given the chance!

Ronda Laveen said...

Damn sticky 'y'...There's always someone who doesn't want to play along.

I loved this post, Bainos, I learned a lot about hats, felt and rabbits. And the Wonder Hubby watches a lot of golf so I am very familiar with Greg Norman's famous Akubra.

Leah said...

That is a swell hat.

Bimbimbie said...

Tsup*!* wonder what an Akubra made from a mix of rabbit and cane toad would look like?

Babysis said...

I love the 2nd picture - The old guy reminds me of Dad. Mick has a fine Akubra that Babybro gave him one year for Xmas.

If I had to do a schpeel on "felt" I would've selected "Fuzzy Felt" - remember that?Those weird cut out pieces that you flop onto a board of felt and make a picture out of...must get me another set of them - they were great!

Megan said...

Argh - sorry for your pain! Hope the new (or fixed) keyboard is in action soon.

I never knew those hats had a name, either! Great job with the theme, it was a tough one!

Vagabonde said...

What a lovely lovely chapeau – well if macho men wear it I should not say lovely … what a handsome hat! I’d like to wear one for sure.

a. said...

I like those pictures you chose... yummy!

Unknown said...

Yep, gotta love a guy wearing his Akubra!! Even Hugh with a beard looks pretty hot and Hoges doesn't scrub up too bad either!
I like the suggestion of something made from rabbits and cane toads - this is a very good idea. We have so many toads up here in Bris its not funny!
Have a great weekend :-)

River said...

I would dearly love to own an Akubra, along with a Drizabone cape for the winter, unfortunately, I haven't yet had the chance to shop for these items. I love the stockman picture at the top of your post. May I keep it?

Louise Bowers said...

I like them but I look plain stupid in them, the hats not the rabbits. Rabbits are for stew and for coats (and I look good in those). Let's stop being nice to them before they run for parliament. The rabbits - not the hats.

Candie said...

LOL,interesting post,I learnt something here!:)

laughingwolf said...

i like those hats...

Ces Adorio said...

Forget the hat. I want the men!

My husband had an akubra! It looks good on him.

Eberle said...

When I saw this week's Theme, I wished that I knew enough about felt to write about it! Thanks for filling me in on what it is. Rabbits are a pest in the southern Idaho desert too, where there are miles and miles of land without roads and where ranchers also ride horses wearing felt hats (the ranchers not the horses) but not by the same name. Nice post.