Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Fuckwit and I couldn't spell 'mweeeeeee" so I said it

Friday already? Holy Moley . . where did the week go? We've had heat, rain, a cool change and now a comfortable but muggy evening with the gentle chirrup of crickets, the intermittent buzz of cicadas and the constant whine of mosquitoes and so . . tonight's Friday Fuckwit is dedicated to that most useless of insects, the one invented solely for population control with virtually no virtue and one that has been keeping me awake at night . . regularly . . .often and interrupting my otherwise erotic dreams.

Wishing you all a safe and wonderful weekend. Spare a thought for those souls lost and struggling in Haiti and give if you can. Dreadful times for a people poor enough without such tragedy. Count your blessings. I know I am.


JeffScape said...

My Friday fuckwit is Pat Robertson.

Brian Miller said...

SMACK! most useless and least its cold enough here to kill them.

babysis said...

I thought I was the only one dreaming of Sam "most definately worthy" Worthington!

Ces Adorio said...

Oh Good Morning My Pretty! You are so politically incorrect today for ragging on our dear friends the mosquitoes!Hah! They feed the toads and the frogs and they are living creatures too, with feelings, as our dear environmentalist friends would tell you.

I hate them! Down here which is actually up here for you, we have trucks spraying the streets with deadly gas hoping to kill the mosquitoes but unfortunately, they kills everything else but not the skeeters. Oh um, what a seductive voice. No wonder the mosquitoes hover.

Susan at Stony River said...

An excellent FF choice this week! Their absence might be the one and only good thing about winter.

tut-tut said...

oh, I remember nights of my teenagedom (no air conditioning). JUST falling asleep, when the high whine started . . . Happy Friday (or Saturday, which is it for you?)

Darlene said...

Even a roach does not get the hatred that is directed to the Mosquito. A nasty irritating insect, if there ever was one.

The suffering in Haiti is horrible. Give, even if only a little. I prefer Doctors Without Borders. You can donate on line.

Roy said...

They say that high-pitched drone of the mosquito is the sound ringing in the guy's head when he loads the shotgun and walks into the office taking out as many people as possible. That makes perfect sense!

And I'm with Jeff - Pat Robertson earned his place as my Friday Fuckwit, too.

Kate said...

Ugh!!! horrid things - I agree with you!!!

Have a good weekend!!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't imagine your speech and voice like this.
I got 5 to my Cambridge proficiency exam with 71% average (reading 68%, use of English 48%, listening 64%, speaking 85%, writing 90%). I use speaking and writing the most in life so it is not bad.

Gledwood said...

Wasps are even more useless. Just stings with wings if you ask me. Though fair enough they don't carry malaria... YET!

Janice said...

I agree with you....and with JeffScape.

steph said...

You do a brilliant impression of a mossie!

kj said...

okay now listen to me honey hells. what i am going to say is not about mesquitos.

you need to find some club or place where you can do this routine on stage, where you can just stand or sit there and wax poetic, talk about whatever you want

maybe it's a comedy club. or a poetry slam. but honey, find something! i mean it! your voice, your wit, your view--too good not to share where ever when ever you can.

i'm serious.

ps btw, i agree about the fuckers...

Mim said...

You do have such a lovely voice and tell a great story. I know I can relate, 'cept I haven't seen avatar yet...but am now looking forward to the experience.

Don't Bug Me! said...

Being the great animal lover that I am, I would love to stick up for the poor, much maligned mosquito, but nope, I can't do it. I really can't think of a good thing to say about them. Wasps pollinate flowers and help control insect pests in your gardens, but mosquitoes - well, I would have to rank them along with ticks and lice. Not really good for anything.

Tom said...

quite the lovely rant, on maligning that lovely creature, the mosquito...responsible for more deaths than all the world's despots about some netting? Might keep all the creepy crawlies out, but probably the dog would tear it down...

Anonymous said...

Excellent Baino, your voice sounds wonderful. And as for having it off with blue avatars, well best of luck there.

p.s. I think the whole point of the mosquito is to annoy the bollix out of us and while they're at it, kill more of us than any other creature or thing!

laughingwolf said...

jeff, i posted about your pal...

baino, i've now read all 237 entries in jason's contest, so can move on... no skeeters here, yet!

Baino said...

Jeff - He's a twat, we try to keep it light here but he's beyond twattage.

They don't worry me too much in terms of the bite, bit of an itch Brian and they're gone but that awful night time wining is so annoying.

Nope, we're the 'worthy' household. Well except for Ads of course.

Good moaning Cesicle. Yeh well I'm not so seductive at 3 in the morning believe me!

Suze they're around in winter too but not quite as annoying

Hehe . . Saturday now Toots. Lovely Saturday . . . no whining last night and a weekend of laziness to look forward to.

I tried to find a 'badge' to put on the sidebar Darlene but I was in a bit of a rush. I'll see if I can find something today. They are indeed a great cause.

Really Roy? God I can imagine, one can only take so many thwacks to the side of the head. Hmm . . perhaps we should all make little Robertson effigies and stick pins in them.

Thanks Kate, you too.

Well there you go Ropi. Not sure what you did imagine but I hope it was a pleasant surprise. Congratulations again, you're knocking them dead with these scores. 90% is awesome. The sample questions would have a native speaker struggling frankly, well done.

Hmm he's certainly the world's most hated at this point in time Janice. Over here he's not getting much air time. He's been written off as another right wing Christian ratbag.

Hehe . .thank Steph, Iz beenz practisin

OH kj I think not. The occasional silly podcast on here is quite enough thank you!

Well if sci fi is your kind of thing Mim, you'll enjoy it I'm sure. We certainly did. Predictable plot but lovely effects.

Hahah . . Debbie I was so waiting to here what you said about Mozzies. Nice to have an 'expert' confirm my useless theory. I swear, they're just here to compliment viruses as population control. I mean even our dogs have to be regularly vaccinated against them to prevent heart worm!

I did have a pretty mozzie net once Tom, I think it was sliced up for some fancy dress outfit and I never replaced it. Not a bad idea though. Then I could shut the doors!

Ronda Laveen said...

I'm glad God has your half of the hemisphere babysitting the blood suckers. We'll have them back soon enuf.

Leah said...

Mosquitoes make me a bit homicidal...we have them here even in winter.

nick said...

Interrupting your erotic dreams? That's outrageous. Have they no consideration?

Ed & Jeanne said...

Don't we have enough blood suckers in the world without mosquitos?

Jay said...

Hahaha! Yes, I know that neurosis-inducing whine all too well. When we were in NZ, I swelled up like .. a swollen thing .. every time one of the damn things bit me. And they bit me often. If only one person in the room was bitten, that was me. I seem to be super attractive to the little bastards.

By the time we left, the bites were swelling so much I'd limp. Last one I had was the size of a tea plate.

What use are they? Hmm. They provide food for fishes and bats, frogs and birds. They help those interesting diseases to move house. Um.



There's got to be something! LOL!

Grannymar said...

Mozzies! Now I will never get back to sleep. I did enjoy the podcast, worth being awake to hear your now familiar voice. Stay cool.

Mike said...

Damn woman! Your voice is intoxicating! :) Mosquitoes are very annoying, but it was enjoyable hearing about them!

Sarah Lulu said...

You have a beautiful weekend too!~

The rain on it's way here ...lovely on the tin roof, I love it. xxx

River said...

There's an awful lot of earthquakes lately, not to mention floods and droughts, and the complete snow coverage of England. Do you think Mother Nature is a little pissed off at us?

River said...

P.S. Flyspray or some other insect killer. Half an hour before you go to bed spray the entire room and shut the door. By the time you go to bed the smell will be (mostly) gone and the little suckers will be dead.

tony said...

Yea, I always assume that every creature has a purpose.but ,in the case of mosquitoes, It's quite hard to think what that might be.
Re: Haiti.I hope Aid gets in Quick

Kath Lockett said...

ah yes, the 3am mossie. The one who disappears when, bleary eyed, exhausted and angry, you turn the light on.....

....only to start the 'mweeeeeee' as soon as you give up, switch it off and resign yourself to spending the rest of the night with your head sweating underneath the sheets!

lettuce said...

oh lucky you with the erotic dreams

yes, i've been counting my blessings, over and over

Candie said...

I know there are some who didn't pass the week so well,poor them,it's a tragedy.Hope your week was allright.

Anonymous said...

Well, today I ended English blogging. Thanks for reading.

Anonymous said...

Taken for granted means that English native speakers take it for granted that non-native speakers learn their language.