Friday, January 29, 2010

The Fuckwit and la Femme Fablious

Slightly different slant on the Friday Fuckwit tonight since I'm in a total spin . .I mean . . hot flushing and spinning . . .

After much toing and froing between HR about my future at my workplace due to the breakdown in civilities between my boss and I, the HR manager informed me that the Troll Bitch does not want me back under any circumstances and that because I am a valuable member of staff and she is a very 'difficult' person to work with and my current department are over the moon with my efforts, I have two choices. Stay where I am with my five men but drop $7,000 a year, because only General Managers get a Level 4 EA . . . or give 4 weeks notice and leave. The news was delivered gently and positively but I still can't believe that I'm paying because of a total fuckwit who won't lose a cent of her six figure salary because she 'can't get along' with me or anyone else for that matter. I'm beginning to feel that nice girls really do finish last.

Naturally, I have taken the embarrassing demotion because I need a job and despite still applying for other positions have had little interest. From March, I will be a level lower. Buggered if I'm working 45 hours a week for $7,000 less!

Now for the fabulous Femme . . my daughter, up on hearing my 'news' declared a surprise that she's been sitting on for the past couple of months. She declared that she's been rather 'crafty' and would explain all when I got home.

Turns out she's been saving like a mad thing and squirrelling cash away over the past 7 months and has amassed a small fortune so has reserved two tickets to Paris in September including accommodation and a free 'Paris to anywhere in Europe' return ticket as a belated 50th birthday present. Providing she can get leave with her new job which starts in March . . we're off to Paris in September! If leave isn't an option, we'll still go in 2011. Can you believe her! I'm stuck between tears and fears. She offered to either pay off my credit cards (boring option) or treat me to four weeks in PARIS and environs. . . .get me a dart, I need to throw it at a map! Tangiers looks nice . .Rabbat . . Barcelona . . Seville . . .

No not this Paris!

. . I am speechless, I cried, I laughed, I looked dumbstruck, I hesitated - I'm just flabbergasted! Nobody has ever done anything so nice for me. So, the booking has to be paid for by the end of February. I have four weeks to think about whether to be totally sensible and reduce my debt or to be a total fuckwit and enjoy an all-expenses paid trip to France and Spain in September . .


What would you do?


nick said...

Quite uncharacteristically, since I'm a bit money-neurotic, I'd say never mind the debt, go to Paris (and Barcelona). Jeez, you've been wanting to for so long, just do it!

What an amazing present!

Agree with your decision on the job. Okay, a drop in salary but at least you're employed and with a bunch of guys who really value your work for them.

Jacinta said...

Go crazy. Life is way too short to stay home and regret not going! What an amazing gift!

Candie said...

Go Baino!You deserve it!A shame I don't leave in Paris I would have show you the place,but since I am ashamed to say I've never been in Paris,but I totally will one the job that isn't fair at all,I am sorry,there's always a bitch on your way anywhere you go,not fair!I am for their total disappearance :D talking about..the first quite representative..LOL.Have a great day and weekend sweet Baino!:)

Candie said...

leave=live bloody french femme!:P

ellybabes said...

Screw the debt, go to Paris and hop across to Ireland on a cheap Ryanair flight for a few days and come see Grannymar and Elly....

I have some great resources for hotel bookings, so give me a shout if you need help with that.

Roy said...

Paris! Don't even think about other options.

Rowe said...
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Rowe said...

No way can you be sensible, you'll have to award the FF to yourself, be the queen of FF's for a mad moment, and take the latter option. Then, don't look back. You deserve it, not matter what the cost. How do I know this? No child on earth would do this for their mum if she was a FF. Fortunately, very few mums would fit that bill, and you most definitely do not, Helen. Your daughter is your angel.
Sorry to hear about the work situation. It may not be a good time to get another job at this stage, with your pending fabulous holiday and all, but when you come home, hunt hard and fast for a better deal elsewhere. Bon voyage!

Grannymar said...

You heard my Elly! Nobody, but nobody says no to her!

Agree with Nick about the job. Heck, the 'B' might fall down a flight of stairs or be hit by a bus and then think of the peace you would have at work. NO! I am not wishing it on her, but who knows these things.

Brian Miller said...

first i want to smack someone...that sucks about the job. as far as the decision, i would say pay off the debt, but that is just me. what a wonderful daughter...

Anonymous said...

Wow, it is a pretty nice gift.

Well, I would advise you to see Aachen. It has a beautiful medieval cathedral. Hungarians are still not very popular there because our predecessors had a quite tough skirmish there in the 10th century. Maybe you could see Hitler's bunker in Berlin and Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle's Nest) in Berchstengaden. Seville is Sevilla in Spanish so don't get confused with that. There are pretty nice cities in Poland and the Czech Republic also. You could see Belgium also.

However I am quite dissappointed because you have this general Western mentality or your dart gravitates to the left. You know things East to river Elbe (ca. the border of former East and West Germany) are also in Europe until the Ural mountains.

laughingwolf said...

seems illegal to drop your pay, what's your contract say? GRRRRR

i'd pay off the debt and go another time, debt free... but that's just me, hate to owe anybody anything...

Lisa said...

This is an invitation to go to Europe with your daughter right? There is no way you can turn that down.

There is so much planning to do, you should get busy :)

Grandad said...

Take the trip.

It's the things in life that you don't do that you regret.

Kathy G said...

Wow! I've gotten an occasional meal paid for by my adult children and some pretty nice presents, but nothing approaching a trip to Europe. you've raised her well. GO!

Anonymous said...

Hi Baino...this is my first time here to visit and thanks for stopping by my place. I would love to be an American in Paris! Sounds like the trip of a lifetime. I think the time with your daughter will be cherished forever. Carpe Diem! I know that isn't French...but it seems appropriate : )
Hang in there with the work situation, hopefully something better will come along at just the right time for you.
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

You know my thoughts.... Live life now, enjoy the highs xx

Enjoy Paris xxx

Leah said...

Paris. Paris!

Your daughter is an amazing, magical woman.


Janice said...

Go to Paris!!!! And create a lifetime memory with your daughter.
As for the job...well, that's just wrong, but you were wise to not walk without another gig lined up.

steph said...

I'm off right now to tell my daughter about your daughter ;-)

As regards the job...

"my current department are over the moon with my efforts"

I'd put money on it that the HR department has a promotion in store for you. Hang in there and you'll get your just reward!

hokgardner said...

What a lovely, lovely daughter you have. And I'd be booking the trip in a heart beat.

Everyday Goddess said...

I haven't figured out the work scenario in my own life, so I won't add a thought on yours.

I will say the word verif. on this comment is: paychu -infer what you will.

The trip sounds Divinely Delivered!

Is that a claymation version of Paris Hilton?

Or a wax one?

ian said...


I'd spend my entire time in Paris - it is the most beautiful place on Earth (and because the Parisians know it, they can afford to be rude to everyone)

Melissa said...

I love that girl of yours! :) I think you should go -- you will have such an amazing time! Eeeks! So exciting.

By the way, I'm not sure what you wrote about in that last post ... something about a hat? I couldn't get past that first photo and I drooled on my keyboard. ;)

Jay said...

Oh, Baino! Be a fuckwit and GO TO PARIS!!! And if you get the chance, come over to England, too!!

I'm so sorry about the work situation, certainly life is just miserably unfair sometimes. At least you can look around for a better job while you're collecting your reduced salary, but geesh... don't you just want to smack somebody? I know I would!

Ces Adorio said...
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Ces Adorio said...

Crud! I misspelled the most important word! Si here goes again:

No dearest Baino. That boss of yours sounds like a jerk because companies will not offer you an option to stay if you are not good. How did that mean boss of yours get so secured with her job? Surely she is not indispensable in these economic times. She is an awful person and if the company really cares about it's employees' well being it should approach this difficult boss and reorient her to an atmosphere of civility, kindness and caring.

Failing the possibility of any of these, I just hope that she will learn her lesson some other way but soon!

I shall now get my voodoo doll...

Your daughter - she did not fall far from the apple tree. She is just as generous and thoughtful as you are. She is a loving daughter and you deserve each other. Congratulations!!!

padraig said...

I'm still trying to wrap my head around, "We realize this person is terrible, but we're punishing you for it."

I mean, I get that this happens, but it seems pretty effed up that they come right out and say it. That's just admitting, "Well, we're supposed to be the guiding force for employees here in HR, but really we can't do fuck all, sorry. Have a cookie?"

What the hell good is your department, then?

Mo said...

Wow. You have a really lovely daughter! I hope you can decide what to do :).

Tom said...

a loss of 7 grand to have peace sounds like a brilliant pay off to me...and i hope you can go to Paris (gag--not that other plastic looking Paris), but i don't know your debt situation. The way things are looking for me, we'll never get to Europe, unless some of my blog buddies will clear room on the rug.

Megan said...


Anonymous said...

Troll Bitch has a big fall from grace coming in some area of her life Baino, I feel it in my witchy bones. You my dear, are blessed with good collegues who respect your work, a BEAUTIFUL daughter, a trip to Paris with stunning company,and in fact, I agree with an earlier comment by Steph that you may get your just reward by sticking with this with dignity and taking the pay cut, which will be a blessing in disguise.The universe will take care of Ms Troll Bitch.You go off and have a great time. See it as a reward for all you've had to put up with. Your daughtie is a goodie.A real gem.

Susan at Stony River said...

What an amazing daughter you've got -- you just *couldn't* let her down and deny her a trip with you to Paris?!

I must admit that if I found myself facing a pay cut, and had debts to pay, I'd be tempted to decide against ... but dang, PARIS. It's my favourite city and I'd just have to tighten my belt.

Meanwhile, what's up with trolls? It seems like every workplace I've ever been in has some 'difficult' person that everyone else has to suffer with. Ugh. At least they gave you a choice; at least they recognised your good work. Good luck!

California Girl said...

I didn't read any other comments because I only care about my own hahahahaha!

Seriously, go with your daughter. If she has saved that long for this, it means a great deal to her to have this time with you; not to mention the time you'll have with her. How special can it get?

Perhaps your job issues come at a good time so you won't have any trouble saying "Ta ta" in Sept. Keep looking for another place to work and suck it up because this is no time to be w/o a job. You just went through that. Your boss sounds like just another incompetent who knows you're smarter, better and doggone it people like you.

Congratulations on having a most incredible child. sniff.

Don't Bug Me! said...

As if you need to ask - just go! And this is coming from one of the most sensible people in the world.

Ronda Laveen said...

Ordinarily, I'd say pay off the debt but the older I get, and I'm a few older than you, I say grab those wonderful opportunities that so seldom come along. I mean, are we really goingb to die debt-free anyway?

Oh, and I also say, off with the Troll Bitches head! said...

Your daughter is awesome! Do Paris... most definitely! A gift such as this is not to be passed up.

I also got screwed over at my old job, but chose to leave rather than take a huge cut to teach in an area for which I'm not certified. Now many consider me certifiable for giving up a sure thing, but I'm much happier... and that makes all the difference!

Anonymous said...

Oh you HAVE to go. You will LOVE Paris :-)

a. said...

Yes, I used all caps for all of that. GO TO FRANCE!!!!!

River said...

I'm a total stick-in-the-mud, so I'd be paying off any credit cards, (it's what I did with my retrenchment money years ago). Enjoy Paris. Take your camera so that we can "enjoy" it too.

Colette Amelia said...

Can I adopt your daughter!!! Wow what a gem you raised!

either option will be wonderful for you...I am not giving any need for me to screw up anybody else's life with my bad judgement.

Go for it girl!

kj said...

Look at all the love here!

1. Screw you horrible woman. She'll get hers hells. Screw her

2. Paris. No contest. You have to. Credit card debt will come and go but Paris with your awesome daughter:
a memory for the ages

ps tsup. You rock

The Walrus said...

Take the trip. In the meantime do you best to pay down your credit cards youself (so you have something to spend a bit against while travelling).

Taking the demotion hurts but is the right thing to do. Bide your time, and when a better opportunity comes up, take it.

The Troll will get hers, eventually.

Louise Bowers said...

It's one of those "what would I think on my death bed" questions. Would I have died debt free or spent four weeks in Paris. Easy decision really. As for the job, sounds like you are being bullied, threaten a stress claim just so they wet their knickers and then start looking for another job. Toxic bosses don't get better, they just get even, again and again.

i beati said...

whata splendid offer..line up another job and go and never look back what a girl !!

Kate said...

Well, well, well my fabulous alter ego - here we go again! Except my crazy ex boss bullied me into a breakdown (and other members of his team too) and the powers that be stood and watched!
You know I took another job and a big drop in salary to stay sane and it has paid off big time!
Yes - I'm still broke but I'm off to Singapore in March - so I advise you to go and have fun!
Your daughter is wonderful and if you get this far - come and stay with me!!!!

Mike said...

I can see why some people want to be in Paris! hahaha!

Pay off the debt! Paris is just a city. If you pay off the debt, maybe you could go there every year!

Vita said...

Like you...I would cry first...then try to think rationally! WOW...Helen...this is your dream!!!

babysis said...

Beautifools Beautifools Clarence. Her heart is gold. Just bring me back a little eiffel tower - mum brought me one once and I've lost it.

Kath Lockett said...

Go. GO!

...what a terrific daughter.

......As for your Femme Fuckwit, she'll get hers. Somehow. Karma, baby, karma.

My own 'femme fuckwit' was quoted in The Age today. Just seeing her name in print still makes my teeth clench but I'm NOT her. And you're NOT behaving like your FF either. And that's a good thing on both counts.

tori said...

even though I'm super conservative when it comes to money, I still think you shouldn't pass up the trip that you're daughter would giving you. what a once in a life time treat!

lettuce said...


lettuce said...

and london

lettuce said...

tho Barcelona is fabulous.

actually, Paris and Barcelona.

re work: fuckwit indeed. make sure you work to rule if you can.

Mrsupole said...

Funny how most of the men say to pay off the debt and the women say go for the trip. I can only say that I am glad that I do not have to decide and I wish you lots and lots of good luck in whatever you decide. All I can say is that being in debt sucks, taking trips are fun, having a roof over your head and food to eat is even more important. Ditto to all the wishes for the Troll Bitch. I do hope the voodoo doll works even though I do not believe in them. Maybe just this one time....

God bless.

Anonymous said...

Go! . . . . and shoot the fuckwit.

e said...

Looks like you'll be getting to Paris ahead of me, so I hope you plan to post a lot...

Your daughter is a gem!

Vagabonde said...

Just read your post and of course you should go to my home city. I just wrote a post on travels and why it is important to travel throughout one’s life. There are wonderful places close to Paris, and not far in trains. Trains in France are wonderful and fast – you can buy deals on them from other countries. For example you can take a train and be in Marseille in 4 hours (and if you go in some quarters there you will be just like in North Africa and I’ll tell you where to eat a good Tunisian couscous.) A fast train will take you to Brussels, Belgium in about 2 hours. Paris is a grand city but to get to the heart of France you need to go out in the countryside, like to the castles of the Loire Valley. The train had a problem in the snow lately to go to London but usually it only takes 3 hours to go from downtown Paris to downtown London. Travel light so it will be easy to get around. Learn a few French words. French people are more reserved than Anglo Saxons but if you try just a bit they are most gracious, they are not rude to tourists – they are cold to everyone so don’t take it personally – they can’t tell if an English accent is from the UK, US, Australia or where ever. Go and take zillion photographs.

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...


Brethred said...

choice?...really you think there is an actual choice here :)

Obtenez-vous à la jeune dame de Paris !

Funny thing is that Chris and I will be in Paris/Spain in September 2010. Perhaps we might catch up for some lovely french wine :)