Monday, January 18, 2010

Memelicious Monday

This one's based on 'Obsession' which I've seen pop up on a few blogs. Apart from my cleaning obsession, my problem with the t'backy and alcomahol and my obsession with job security or lack thereof. Oh and there's French perfume and soft toilet paper and plumped cushions and nice linen and cream in coffee (jeez I have a few) . . so here's just sample:

  • The Harbour . . I can go there in any weather, any day and just love it. I really do like my city and mucking about on boats.
  • Seafood . . .Yum. .Can't wait to spend the Christmas voucher that Clare bought me for Doyles! Very clever . . a voucher for lunch for two I wonder who she thinks I might ask to accompany me?
  • Clare . . .of course, my best friend, my oldest child, my intrepid traveller and young businesswoman, my soulmate and my conscience. The voice of reason when I'm in a flap. She is an old soul with a young heart.
  • My iMac . .OK it's a little old, it's even a hand me down from Clare's Uni days but it's reliable, virus free and all my friends live inside it. Without it I couldn't feed my other obsessions . . blogging and Skyping and Facebooking . . .such a nerd
  • Horses . . not necessarily mine. I just love them. I love their look, their smell, their sound . . .everything about them. Lasalle Royal Flash (Laurie to the uninitiated) is just a special, chatty, friendly grump. He's such a grandpa.
  • Travel . . OK I'm not crazy about the flying bit but it's a means to an end . . .I live, wait, long, to travel again. I was very brave and took that whilst taking off instead of grabbing under the seat to make sure there really was a life jacket there.
  • Lily . . my third child the rolly polly labrador with an obsessive nature. She's like me needy and in need of a cuddle all the time. I've created a monster.
  • My darling boy. Adam . . .he's naughty, rude, smelly, untidy but man he gives good hugs, cooks up a storm, a fantastic help with the 'heavy' stuff. He's strong and manly and talented and clever and soft centred and is without doubt the best boyfriend to his sweet Amy and wonderful son. Just don't tell him or he'll never change his sheets.
  • Oh and of course . . .my trusty camera my constant companion and still a mystery to me in many ways.

Don't forget . . no matter how small your donation . . .ShelterBox.

1,700 ShelterBoxes have already been dispatched and a further 1,600 will leave from the UK this week directly for Port au Prince, Haiti. This is a total of 3,300 boxes with more to follow. That's accommodation and essential tools for 33,000 people within 8 days of the quake. And your donation, no matter how small, has helped.


Babysis said...

One of my many obsessions is, well dear sis - YOU. I love you with all my heart. nuff said.

Oh and I've had a really good response wih the Shelterbox - Glenorie Public School SRC will be raising money for Shelterboxes this year - isnt that a wonderful thing for little people to achieve! said...

Love getting this glimpse into your life, Baino! Love the photos.

Kate said...

What a nice post - uncomplicated - isn't it good when your kids turn out to be your mates!!!!
And!!! your sister loves your too soooo I was right.... you are a lovely person!!!

nick said...

I'm sure that's nothing like the comprehensive list! How about that little obsession with cleaning the house and getting everything neat and tidy and shipshape? No need to be embarrassed, a clean house is far far better than a tip....

Lisa said...

I enjoyed reading your obsessions. Sydney, horses, good children, who wouldn't be obsessed with them. You are blessed.

Anonymous said...

Hi Baino,

It never occurred to me that obsessions may reside within me! How thick is this plank? Well now I'll have to ponder this and see what pops up.
Perhaps I've been using the wrong side of the brain.

Anonymous said...

He is a good guy. He wears Red Bull T-shirt. :D I don't liek the drink but the Formula 1 team.

JeffScape said...

Obsessive? You?

Perish the thought.


Leah said...

I like your obsessions. And you write about them very well. In fact, you've got me convinced on all of 'em!

Especially wonderful is your deep connection with your kids--

Roy said...

These are obsessions? My definition of the word must be off or something; I associate obsession with something more frantic and maybe even furtive. These all look like normal, healthy interests to me. Well, maybe the thing with the horses. Heh, heh!

Brian Miller said...

nice obsessions...i love seafood as well. and if you can find a boy that is any diffrent than those first few words...let me know. that is the way we were made right...snips and snails and puppy dog tails. smiles.

Anonymous said...

With obsessions like worries here luv!

Carolina said...

Your horse has such a friendly eye. Good one! You have beautiful children. And is that a self-portrait? Nice!
I like these obsession-posts. Plan on doing one myself. At least two of your obsessions will feature in mine. No prizes for guessing which ones.

Megan said...

Nice collage of photos. I like your list.

P.S. Pop Annie an email, she's skype-ready...

Tom said...

obsessions...always appreciate your insights; i guess i'm a tad obssessed with Baino's Banter...

also, in keeping with your obvious dislike of American Football (a big obsession with most American males and a good many gals too) I would like to say i am also obssessed with Grand Slam tennis, and one of the best venues has started up in (GUESS WHERE) Australia...i'll be watching everyday!...wish it were warm enough here to play, itching to swing a racket.

Bimbimbie said...

Tsup*!* I like that immediate state of obsession as it grabs my attention making me want to know or see more about whatever topic latched onto my imagination.

Grannymar said...

Obsessions? ME? Nah! Unless you mean..... breakfast, vinegar, shoes..... and toyboys! ;)

Sandy Kessler said...

can you imagine what these people are going through ??they had n0thing before but at least their

Ronda Laveen said...

I like your obsession with your camera! Your new header is absolutely spiffy!

xxx said...

lovely to read that you are obsessed with the best :)

i know you know that life is good...

in answer to your question...
have you tried the free demo i have in my sidebar?
i think it has encouraged my optimism :) ... I meditate daily for an hour (mostly)

xx ribbon

Mike said...

Hey! I am not on the list!! LOL!

I like those boxes in the post below this one. I just donated. Maybe I should have waited and checked into it more?

Get on a plane, take a flight! :)

a. said...

I want a shelterbox for myself. Is that bad?

laughingwolf said...

coolios, baino :)

Kat Mortensen said...

Apart from the alky-t'baccy, I think your obsessions are wonderful (and you express them so well).
I'm happy to be included in that list (lumped in with the internet indwellers).


Kate Hanley said...

Just enjoying a glass of wine as I read about your obessions. This is fun! Reading about everyone's desires. I'd have to agree my kids and family are a big obsession with me as is beer/wine and theater. Cheers!

e said...

I like your list, working on mine. Is Skype reliable?

Kath Lockett said...

You're an amazing woman - you get shitloads of comments and after you stop promoting the Haiti boxes, why not set up a fund for your own travels?

Baino said...

Aww thanks doo doo I wuv you too.

Shelterbox has gone really well all the bloggers are embracing and publicising it. Let's just hope it finally gets on the ground.

Ah my life is an open book Cat . .well almost

Hehe . . the post you have when you've nothing to post Kate

Nick you know me too well . . I have a lot of obsessions.

Blessed I am Ocean Girl. I thank my lucky stars every day.

Well Unstranger apart from your Heinekin obsession I wouldn't know . .have a go you mug!

He drinks it too Ropi . .and Mother, and V

Haha . . anal retentive more like it Jeff

Very proud of my progeny I am Leah

Then I'm normal Roy? Phew!

I can't wait to do 'lunch' at Doyles, right on the harbour, sunshine, seafood, champers . . .

Hey Subby . . nice to see you back!

Carolina he's a very friendly horse. No guesses indeed . . dogs and horses? I have a lab as well.

Oooh Megs does that mean chat time? Invite me, invite me! Yeh, I'll find her.

Sorry Tom, not a fan of many sports at all. Tennis is on all the time here. Although I'm quite looking forward to the Winter Games except all we'll see is the Australian entrants

He, not much you don't know Bimbimbie *Tsup!*

Haha . . I wish Toy boys were an obsession! Any boys really!

Nope Sandy, I can't begin to imagine. All the more reason to help.

Ronda you've not been paying attention, it's been there for ages!

Ok Ribbon. I'll give the meditation thing a go. Good opportunity at the moment as all is quiet at home.

Oh Otin . .goes without saying!
Great idea aren't they? 1700 already on the ground and more beig shipped.

Haha . . my sister wanted one as well. How good for camping? And actually at $800 not badly priced! 10 Man tent and all you could want.

Well more warmios but thanks Wuff

Yeh, Ilove my internet buds, I really do Kat

MMMM wine. I't just gone 4pm here . . .might leave early

e I only use the free part of Skype. PC to PC it's absolutely free. It's secure although occasionally I get people I dont know asking to talk to me. I just block them. It's exactly the same as any other phone line only you need a mic on your PC or a headset and mic.

Kath, you're a genius . . the get Helen in your House fund. Hahaha! Bet that'd go down like a ton of bricks.

Anonymous said...

Good wholesome obsessions to have Baino- all based on the love you obviously have for your family and friends.

I'd leave out the soft toilet paper though- it makes me sneeze!

Rowe said...

Hi Helen, gorgeous post about the loves and wonderful obsessions of your life. I like the way you say all your friends live in your imac, that is cool.

jay said...

I love this meme! It tells more about a person in a short space than anything else, could!

I forgot to add the link to Shelterbox. Darn it, I'll have to go back and add it.

JeffScape said...

Well, I was going to use those words, but "obsessive" seemed gentler.

Wait a sec... I thought your daughter was blonde. Or am I being confused by that Viking wig?

Never mind... I haven't had my coffee yet.

Darlene said...

I love your list and love your sense of humor. Most of all I love the love you and your children share. You obviously were a good Mum.

Anonymous said...

Great collage of photos Baino. After a comment a few back, I am now obsessed about whether soft toilet paper makes me sneeze too, 'cause I think it does, then maybe it doesn't, and the last time...oh dammit!

Renee said...

I love the idea of the shelter box and I love you.


Mim said...

is that you behind that camera? love the hair! Enjoy the obsessions...
I am currently obsessed with making paper mache bowls and think that I need a shrink to help me get over it.

Baino said...

Yeh I love em but what else am I to do . . can't kill 'em

Seriously Rowe, it's a little worrying. I have some amazing friends who I've never met.

Have a go Jay . .I'm seriously struggling with your Macro Monday. They're being delivered! Yaya!

Jeff! Eyes off . .unless you're in the country you're out of the picture! She's dark . .unless she's pink . .or blonde . .or . . order me a flat white with one!

Aww Darls, you're too kind, really. I'm not sure my son would agree with hyou all the time.

Pam stop sniffing the dunny roll. Actually I'm a Quilton double length fan. Not to smelly . .well not to start with

I love you too sweetie. Take care of yourself. I'm behind on sending you your distraction but it will come.

Yep me in all my mad fuzziness Mim. Erm I noticed the bowlage and they are indeed very beautiful but not sure what I'd do with one.

Candie said...

I like your list and I love this picture,so cool!:)

lettuce said...

nothing wrong with nerds.
i get more nerdy as i get older.
Which I never would have predicted.

what a good list

(still trying with skype....)