Sunday, January 31, 2010

I Haz Lubly Dawgz

I don't actually celebrate my dog's birthday. She's just a dog and I know she was whelped sometime in December but we doggy types have a habit of gravitating towards each other...Tom at Half Moose With a Twist is celebrating Toby's first big annual event so any excuse to post pictures of the Lilybabe. Happy birthday Tobes . . we're helping you celebrate from 12,000 miles away . . Lily says "You can eat poo . . . just for today" . . . No comments required, just go 'Awwww isn't she lubly"

PS: It's Toby's Birthday Party over at Half Moon With a Twist. . . join in his party and Tom will link pics of your pets!


Anonymous said...

Hullo Lily! You're so cuuute! Happy birthday :)

And Mom would never forget Hunter's birth( or passing )days..!

Don't Bug Me! said...

I want one!!! - the sooner I can find a house, the sooner I can get a dog. Now all I need to do is find a house that isn't being sold by crazy people.

Kathy G said...

yes, she is cute.

We actually celebrated our cat's birthday for a couple of years in the late 1980s. I had three preschoolers/toddlers and a husband that made business trips in the middle of winter. One year I was DESPERATE to come up with an activity for our housebound bodies, so we designated a birth date for the cat and had a party...hats and special food for the people, "presents" for the cat.

He honored us with his presence for a few minutes, then went back to sleep, but it helped me get through one more day.

Tom said...

Water dog! Last summer I had Toby off his leash at the park and he hurled himself into the river. Ahhhg! Luckily it was a shallow spot and he didn't get swept away with the current. Thanks for showing up, Helen. Love all your doggie picks!

Mike said...

Gorgeous dog!!!

Janice said...

Great pictures of Lily! My favorite is the one where she is rolling on her back; she looks like she is laughing. Happy BD to Lily.

Lizzie said...

Awwwwww, adorable AND gorgeous dog. Wow! Happy Birthday! Doggies rock! :)

Renee said...

Happy birthday beautiful dog.

Thank you for your comment and you are just so right there is no good way to die.

As you know love, I am sorry that your Mom died when you and she were both young.

xoxoxo said...

What a beauty! Go ahead and eat that poop... it's your special day!

Vita said...

We love our furry friends!

Baino said...

She is my third child! But it's NOT her birthday. It's Toby's over at Half Moon With a Twist. He'll link you if you post your pet pics.

Ces Adorio said...

AAAAW! AAAW! These photos are darling. I LOVE DOGS!!! I am a dog person. I was born in the year of the dog. I am going to write a post about that BUT BUT your dogs are beautiful!!! And they are happy. I think dogs take on their owners' personality. I love the one with the stick.

Baino, as for you being a macaholic, I can easily understand that. I love macs. They are excellent products plus no virus threat so far. I am buying the iPad even though I just bought a little windows notebook that is so cute but it is complete with MS Offcie suite including Access. The mac's folder hierarchy looks like it was designed by a high school kid who comes to the office as a volunteer and sorts the records according to paper size instead of type. It makes no logical sense. I am being critical of course. Even though I work in IT, especially because I work in IT I make sure that my rules, modules and programs are user friendly so that someone with a busy schedule does not need to read the manual. Manuals and documentations are for builders, the average user and more than average user should be able to breeze through an application. I have never read a technical manual as a user even though I write them. Now having said that, I love my mac because of the graphics but I love windows because I love the microsoft office suite especially the Access database. It is a productive tool. In my opinion a mac is for playing. Windows is for working.

Kath Lockett said...

Awwww, she really *is* lovely. When dogs smile, they win me. Immediately.

Leah said...

Wonderful photos. I think I'm in love!!!

Ronda Laveen said...

She is a lubley girl!

Give her a scrich for me...right in her special spot.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the photos. The one with the stick though? Friend was dog-sitting for someone and the stick she threw broke when the dog was chewing on it and became wedged in its throat -incredibly traumatic... vet even had to operate coming in from the side of the dog's neck working around a vocal chord evidently, and the labrador still barks with a rasp.Lot of guilt attached to that I can tell you. Not meaning to rain on your photo parade dearest Baino, but just sayin'.Would hate anything to happen to that gorgeous third child of yours.Having stated that bit of cheery news, happy birthday to the dear doggie mate of yours!

Bimbimbie said...

Wuffs Lilly, Chloe and Basil are on their way to Toby's ... thanks for the invite*!*

Sarah Lulu said...

That is such a lovely collage!

happy birthday ..woof woof xx

JeffScape said...

I don't celebrate the birthdays of my dogs, either.

Then again, I only know the birthday of one of them... so...

Ah, well.

lettuce said...

awwwww she is too

great pictures - esp i like the pensive ones at the top left and the bottom left - ha! and that "rub my tummy" picture. our cat does that too

Mrsupole said...

Lily is lubly and just looks like someone made her day in the one where she is laying on her back. That is just the best doggy pic there is.

Last week oldest granddaughter brought home a black chihuahua puppy and we named her Maggie. Maggie says "Hi".

God bless.

jay said...

Aww ... she IS lubbly!! I love her sweet broad face, even though it's so different from my own preference for narrow heads and needle noses, because it's how labs are meant to look! Love the one where she's rolling over in glee, too!

Anonymous said...

GAWJUS, gawjus, gawjus... Happy Birthday!!

Mrsupole said...

I thought I might as well do it, and so I posted a few pics of the new puppy Maggie.

Hopefully Lily won't think she is one of those nasty little rabbits, Mags is scared of just about everything because she weighs less than a pound. She is very tiny.

God bless.

i beati said...

ever so cool sandy

i beati said...

happy pics way to start my day sandy

Candie said...

This is so cute!I love those pictures!Have a great sunday!:)

Anonymous said...

I don't really like birthday celebrations at all. Actually I dislike celebrations generally.

Brian Miller said...

what beautiful friends you have. smiles.

Dot-Com said...

Finally a dog who doesn't look scary! *smile*

The Moon Topples said...

It probably says something about me that I kind of gravitate to the last picture in the second row, in which the dog is Clearly Evil.

Mim said...

nothing like a happy lab. Adorable

California Girl said...

Look at all the comments!

That is one good lookin' dog.


laughingwolf said...

yappy barfday, toby! :O lol

hiya, lubly lil! :)

River said...

Lubbly. Just lubbly.

Kate Hanley said...

Now that is one cute dog. Just finished your previous post about Paris and I say go to La Belle France. Life is about living!

Vagabonde said...

This is a real great series of dog pictures – it’s hard to choose one. We have two cats and would love to have a dog but with all our traveling it would not be fair to the dog.

Megan said...

Hi Lily!

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

bottom, second from right - my fav

Kate said...

She is beautiful!!!!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

She absolutely DRIPS fun, energy and sweetness!

New Yorker wannabes said...

I have got to get one of these! Lubly...indeed :)
