Let me preface this weeks fuckwitterage by saying that Returned Servicemen's Clubs (RSL) and many other sporting or association clubs in Australia are generally more than just pubs. They have restaurants, gyms, swimming pools (where children can take lessons), creches and sporting fields. Some even have hotels . . water parks and more. Many have auditoriums for concerts, cabarets and schools events. Even if you live beyond the black stump, pubs and RSLs are the hub of the community and most pubs, thanks to the lovely weather have outside rooms or beer gardens where children are welcome. Gaming rooms are always separate to the main areas and children under 18 years of age are not permitted in or near public bars, only in the beer garden (until 7pm) or family friendly restaurants associated with said pub or club. All encourage families, particularly in their restaurants and beer gardens which are valuable sources of extra revenue.
Now I'm not sure about the US, but Britain and Australia have a childhood institution . . . a TV show named Playschool that's been viewing as long as television's been alive. All our kids have grown up with Jemima and Big Ted, the theme song "There's a Bear in There . ." and "I think today, we'll look through the square window! " one of three (triangle, square and round).
I remember taking my kids to live Playschool concerts when the Wiggles were still wetting their pants. They were marvellous. The yummy mummies sat in the background and nattered about the pros and cons of breastfeeding and whether Dr Spock may have had a point or whether Dr Chris Green had it right with Toddler Taming. The kids formed an undersized mosh pit and huddled around the stage to enjoy their favourite TV personalities, puppets, stories and crafts absolutely OBLIVIOUS to everything else around them. Most concerts are held in community theatres or centres but sometimes . . these are simply not available . . Now here's where the total fuckwittery comes in:
The ABC (Australian Broadcasting Commission) our national broadcaster, has staged Play School concerts in pubs and clubs for eight years, but now there is a rising voice of criticism that the public broadcaster is endorsing gambling and drinking. Damn those bananas in pyjamas if they hadn't chased teddy bears down the stairs in a drunken stupor and caused an OH&S nightmare, everything would have been just fine!
The ABC has released a statement saying if the Corporation did not book such venues, children in some areas would simply miss out. And it says the performances, featuring characters like Little Ted and Jemima, in pubs and clubs are held away from the gambling areas. The issue of pokie machines and drinking in the same venues as Play School concerts came up in Senate Estimates this week. The Greens have asked for more information about the ABC's association with Kids Promotion (well they always do because procrastination is their motto).
Play School presenters and characters feature in the live interactive 40-minute shows performed for young children.
Glenys Stradijot (Taa-daaaaaa! -I think it even rhymes with 'idiot', yep, she's the FUCKWIT!) from the lobby group Friends of the ABC, says holding Play School in venues such as pubs is exposing children to gambling and alcohol. "We think it is entirely inappropriate for the public broadcaster to be enticing people into businesses of any kind, let alone gambling and establishments that are selling alcohol," she said. "What this is doing is introducing children to the environment of gambling and alcohol establishments at an age before they are too young to determine themselves whether or not that is an appropriate place for them to be." - Gee, she's pretty cool at syntax and sentence structure as well!
For fuck's sakes Glenys, they're too young to stick a pea up their nose - well maybe not - but they're certainly too young to know what a pub or club or pokie or drunk is . . .ever seen a two year old on a sugar rush? They make drunks and crack addicts look laid back!
The ABC made a statement saying if it did not book pubs and clubs in some suburbs and towns in New South Wales, children in those areas would miss out. The broadcaster says the entertainment venue is clearly separated from the gaming activities of the clubs. The ABC also says it has not received a complaint about the suitability of these places in the eight years of touring its shows.
So stick that in your politically correct and killjoy pipe and smoke it Ms Glenys - you're officially a Friday Fuckwit . . .
Little bit of personal triv . . the Playschool CD was the first I ever bought in anticipation of the birth of my first baby! Sad, I know.
banaas in pajamas always makes my day...sandy
bananas in pj's. i missed out or don;t remember. my boys never watched i know. this lady seriously has her morality wrapped a bit tight around something. let the kids(and bananas) play
oh - the joy of that programme - it was the one peaceful moment of the day when my kids were small.
Little Ted and Jemima - wonderful people... what more can I say?
There's always someone ready to spoil a good party though!!!!
Does that woman have children?
Next they will try to ban alcohol in private houses in case the children smell it.
I agree that if these venues weren't used many children would miss out.I don't think the kids care about their surroundings at all, they're there to see their idols and have fun. The concerts certainly aren't being held in an open 7 functioning front bar, so what's the fuss?
Unfortunately, a lot of kids, even as young as 3 know exactly what a pub is. It's where Daddy goes to get drunk so he can come home and shout at Mummy. But, like I said, the concerts are held in a different part of the establishment, no evidence of alcohol or gaming in sight, no problem.
*DER* typo....7 should be &.
Ah, come on, we're talking about the Oz equivalent of the British legion and working men's clubs, aren't we? Places where the blokes who built the country gather? Who is likely to have the best interests of kids at heart? People prepared to go off to fight to protect them or some pressure group?
Bet there would not be the same row if the venues were swish hotels, despite the fact they sell huge amounts of alcohol. Piece of plain snobbery.
Instructive,LOL :D
I like to watch some of the kiddie shows with my midget...some are cute. But some are so trivial, they make me want to scream.
See you later in Tweetsville.
IF beating her upside the head would help, i'd come down and do it... but since it would equal thumping a rusty nail, perhaps saltwater croc is the answer?
What grannymar said.
But I thought Gemmima & Little Ted lived inside our tv's ... you mean they are allowed out to go to the pub and feed the pokies? That is creative thinking by someone, they probably need to de-stress after those concerts. Rug rat mosh pits are scary places*!*
"ever seen a two year old on a sugar rush? They make drunks and crack addicts look laid back!" LOL! So true -- I had to drag Charlotte out of a pizza place once after she had a neon-colored ice cream pop that totally scrambled her brains.
Have a good weekend, Baino!
Sandy there's a You Tube clip where someone has bleeped perfectly innocent words in a B1B2 show and made it sound filthy by what's 'not' said. Hilarious!
It's a shame you don't get it there Brian, it's a kids staple and makes Sponge Bob look totally lame!
Kate, I remember watching it as a child so it's been going for at least 50 years! The live shows were fantastic and so interactive the little mites were spellbound.
I have no idea GM so silly. Clearly she's never lived in the country where they don't often have community theatres or other facilities. Our pubs aren't small like many of yours, they're big generally with a public bar divided completely from other facilities. Crazy shit. I wonder what she'd think of European children who start drinking wine at the age of 10!
River that's a fair point but having seen children at these concerts, they're completely oblivious to their surroundings. The concerts really are only suitable for 2-5 year olds anyway. Penrith Leagues and Rooty Hill RSL club for instance (now stop sniggering) both have multiple bars and gaming rooms but they're massive and their auditoriums are nowhere near the public bars or gaming rooms.
Ian great point. I'd never thought of that . . of course, hotels have bars as well and I'm sure they do use function rooms occasionally! She's just a dried up old prune!
Do you have it in France Candie?
Aunty some are wonderful but some are woeful. I'm a Sesame Street fan myself!
Haha . . she lives in Victoria so maybe a 'drop bear' would be more appropriate.
Now Meg . .you're getting lazy
Sorry Bimbimbie to smash your illusions . .I won't pass on the breaking news about Santa Clause or the Easter Bunny for fear I might disappoint you.
Melissa that is so true. They should be more worried about banning red cordial and rainbow ice cream!
@ Kate . .sorry wrong Kate! I have three who comment! Unless you've recently had a honeymoon, that comment won't make any sense at all!
Hear bloody hear - I had a private Grumpy Old Lady rant to myself in the car last night when I heard it on the news - what a right wing, goody two shoed, pursy lipped killjoy, ridiculouus suggestion to make. I am getting very tired of this sort of crap! How do we fight it?
Opps I hit Anonymous by mistake-its Thommo!
Oops still trying........
No complaints in 8 years and now she decides to whip people into a controversy. She needs a job or maybe a bannana.
Wowsers! I was too busy counting down to which window they were going to look through to have been smart enough to notice any other negative influences!
...but I think that Mum was just watching it because John Waters and Andrew McFarlane were on....
Oh Thommo, yer a git. It's easy! As for how do we stop it . .we whinge a lot . .but to the right people.
Ronda I'm only guessing what she might do with said banana . .
kj? What? You are making Galah sounds . .That's a pretty pink and grey cockatoo that has a distinctive "Tsup-Tsup" sound. Either that or you're making the noise that you make when you rub your thumb and forefinger together and kind of 'suck' through your front teeth to summon a cute animal . .Tsup, Tsup *!* . . yes I'm cute! . . it's Bimbimbie lingo! Queenslanders are funny like that.
Oh no . .sexiest of all is Rhys Muldoon but he's gay, such a waste. Man he's hot! (I know, my kids are in their 20 's and I still watch Playschool now and then but only for Jay Laga'aia and Rhys)
Did nobody click on the video . .not a comment?
it's a kiss, silly. i know the history but smack your lips together: it's tsup! okay it;s mwah too but okay it's both.
anyway, tsup!
It's the extremists i love the most. Never mind the show does alot for children and is enjoyed by all. Let's FREAK OUT about where it's held. Of course, they'd rise up against that here too if "Sesame Street" held their shows in bars. Of course, "SS" does big arena style shows and charges big bucks to attend. The shows are not run by the Henson family but another company who leases the rights to the characters. I took my children once when they were young. Hated the show and the characters who looked dirty and unkempt. Seriously. The Playshcool thing sounds family friendly and accessible. Is it free?
Kind of like a town in the States that banned the Harry Potter books because of witches and wizards.
Huh, what????
A two year old on a sugar rush...not bloody good at all. Especially when the little monster is a climber! Gives new meaning to "bouncing off the walls". Here in the U.S., gambling and drinking are the least of a parents worries. L'il Miss Glenyidiot doesn't bother to point out (at least here ), that the kiddies are with heir parents ( I presume ), or a nanny. Not wandering about a pub with drink in hand. Have her watch some of the old Shirley Temple short films( before she was popular )
Tsup*!* Please don't tell me those two have been doing cabaret at the RSL too*?*
Tsup Tsup Tsup*!* just read what you said lol ... I'm batting that one right back at you New South Wales folk Baino, seeing as how it's all down to Annonybird and King Jack who was really Queen Jackie ... and you have the Tsup*!* to say Queenslanders are funny Tsup Tsup Tsup Tsup Tsup ;}
In England Pubs&Clubs in general dont like ,children......The Telly -Thing is just an excuse Me'Thinks!
Playschool is Fine But Im a Magic Roundabout Man myself!
I agree. Wowser fuckwit idiot.
And from Friends of the ABC. Is she the sort of friend where you turn off all the lights, and lock the doors, and act really quiet, when you see their car pull up?
Geez, with friends like that, the ABC didn't need John Howard and his stooges appointed to the board.
And the greens going along with this shite. This just proves what I've suspected about the greens for a long time. Bunch of total f#$%ing morons.
Stuff a banana up it, Glenys, and let the kids and parents have their fun!
How are you, Baino????
tsup! tsup! tsup! tsup! tsup! tsup!
Love this post and the comments. Some people take life way too seriously.I love the bananas in pjs too.
Haha . yep definitely needs a banana!
kj now you're just being cheeky. Mwah back!
Bimbimbie, you know I'm only joking. You're my favourite Queenslander Tsup*!* Tsup*!*
Aww Tony. I loved that as a kid but it's not on any more. Playschool has nothing if it doesn't have endurance! Time for bed Zebidee
Whoa . .Ashleigh! Let loose why don't you. As far as I can see the 'friends' of the ABC are just censorship monitors. Bunch of dickwads.
e I'm a bit low actually so nice to have some fun.
Welcome aboard Kate . .nice to have another Aussie blogger on my side! Now I have four Kate's it's going to get confusing. I've already congratulated the wrong one on the honeymoon she didn't have! GAH!
That banana on the left looks like my old landlord ...
Gee .. and I thought it was important for more places to be family-friendly, and for kids to go places with their families. Haven't kids in Europe been going to drinking establishments for donkey's years?
I myself was taken quite frequently to the club attached to the printing press where Dad worked. It was full of drinking, smoking, gambling men (and women). And guess what? I've grown up a non-smoker, and pretty much a non-gambler - I think I wasted about $15 in Vegas last time I was there. As for alcohol, I've never been one to drink till I fall over and these days I don't drink at all.
You cannot control public behaviour by legislation, and you cannot make kids grow up 'good' or well-balanced, unless their parents instil morals and ethics and a sense of responsibility.
Fuckwits indeed! I'm sick and tired of all this pc codswallop too! Well said Baino!
"when the Wiggles were still wetting their pants" roflmao
Tsup*!* Iknowsyouis andIam Tsup*!*
bimbimbie: please translate your comment for me. please?....tsup.
kisses xxx and hugs ooo
thanks for the laugh... good medicine:-)
thanks for sharing Melbourne too.
best wishes
PS... lovely surprise to see your beautiful smiling photo
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