Thursday, October 01, 2009


Whilst my inspiration is returning, sadly my time is not . . time flies as they say and I am unprepared for Theme Thursday! I'll have to start writing these earlier in the week!

I was going to talk about the time I nearly crash landed on a flight from Copenhagen or that I have a bigger fear of flying than Otin or post some pretty pictures of birds or go into a diatribe about wishing I was more flighty or tell you about heli-musters on huge outback stations . . . but that will have to wait.

So for your comedic enjoyment . . another clip from my favourite comedians at the moment . . .Flight of the Conchords. Two New Zealanders who seem to have made it 'small' on the American Market . . .They're not for everyone but I love this laconic humour, not to mention the accent.

Don't forget to visit the other Theme Thursday nutters who have without a shadow of a doubt embraced 'Flight' a little more thoughtfully than me


ian said...

Are these the ones who describe themselves as New Zealand's fourth best parody band?

Sarah Lulu said...

I hope you really enjoy your long weekend!

Nice to just chill for a while ...without having to worry about job hunting.

nick said...

Or the flight of refugees all over the world, or flights of stairs, or fight-or-flight, or The Flight of the Bumblebee....

Brian Miller said...

lol. i enjoy these guys as well. hope you have a great weeekend baino....yeah really the near need to tell us...smiles.

Grannymar said...

You might have more time if a silly old woman didn't video call from her bed! ;) Great to talk to you.

Anonymous said...

Baino, saw these on youtube but opted to build a playlist, instead. Still a great take :)

Happy TT!

California Girl said...

imaginary children could be very satisfying!

Sandy Kessler said...

They did not renew their contract with HBo i love them and have never missed an episode and many over and over. Bret got married,. Jemaine has a little half Greek baby and they went on tour leaving me broken hearted They are so like monty Python and the real greats..At the Emmys they played the clip where Jemaine says ."I was better looking that day"They kill me.!!

Renee said...

I love these guys.

Love Renee xoxo

Colette Amelia said...

ok you have wet our whistle for some stories when there is more time!

sounds like there will be some hum dingers! hope you are busy in a good way!

Susan at Stony River said...

I'm so glad you *didn't* blog about flight; flying terrifies me even though I have to do it about four times a year. Yikes.

A post about being more 'flighty' is something to look forward to however!

Mo said...

MY INSPIRATION IS GONE! I can't write anymore :'(. I hope you never stop!

Tom said...

funniest 6 minutes and 46 secs i've spent for a longgggg while...

and you had me until the heli-musters...what the h...?

Bimbimbie said...

Tsup*!* I listened to them last summer over the radio ... can Neil Finn save the day? Too funny*!*

Ronda Laveen said...

Those boys are so funny and I've never heard of them. A flight of fancy, Baino. said...

I love the idea of imaginary children. I think maybe I'll apply for an imaginary job... where you don't have to do anything, but they send you money anyway. Works for me. Thanks for the introduction to Flight of the Conchords!

Kandi said...

I don't fear flying, I just fear not being on the ground! :)

laughingwolf said...

too late for me, my three are nowhere near imaginary :(

Candie said...

LOL,excellent!Thank you for the laugh,nice way to start the day!
I'm not afraid or flying,I'm more afraid of the cars myself.Have a nice day!:)

River said...

I indulge in flights of fancy quite often.......

lettuce said...

s'ok, Flight of the concordes works well for me

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Great tune. Thanks for the LARGE screen, great for the over 40's eyes. -J

xxx said...

I love these guys... have watched and listened to all that is available.
My partner is a Kiwi :)

x Ribbon

Kurt said...

I am an American who loves FOTC, and I don't know a thing about New Zealand (beyond their excellent early literacy programs).