Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday Fuckwit - "Look Mummy . . Flying Bunny"

A small rural town in New Zealand has been forced to cancel one of the highlights on its social calendar - a rabbit-throwing contest. (Oh dear, no sack races?)

About 400 people live in Waiau in the South Island. This weekend the town will hold its annual pig hunt. (Ah . . .getting the picture . . not a fully toothed mouth in the entire community I'll bet *cue theme from Deliverance*)

In previous years a 'rabbit throw' has been organised for the local children, who compete to see how far they can hurl a dead bunny. (sweet little things - suffer the little wabbits)

But the event is now off, after New Zealand's equivalent of the RSPCA got wind of it.

Animal cruelty inspector Charles Cadwallader says throwing bunnies is sick. (Hang on, they're dead bunnnies, they're feeling no pain!)

"Do you throw your dead grandmother around for a joke at her funeral?" he asked. (Well maybe they would but these are children remember . . granny's a bit on the heavy side!)

The organiser of the pig hunt, Jo Moriarty, says it is political correctness gone mad.

"You know, the children of the community here are fantastic, they love their animals," he said. (Hahahahaha! Anyone else see the irony in this statement?)

New Zealand has more than 30 million wild rabbits. (and 4 million sheep shaggers)

Personally, and you all know my hatred for the feral perils . . .what's wrong with throwing a dead bunny? They're DEAD. If I could catch the little bastards that are undermining my shed, pool and concrete verandah I'd chuck em. Anyone got a ferret?

Sorry if you've had problems accessing the site, Blogger has been misbehaving today. Oh, and congratulations on your retirement Suzie C and Happy birthday Dame and Kate! I'm getting better!


Bimbimbie said...

:( Bunny Boiling a la Hollywood not there style then *!*
dang de dang dang dang

Bimbimbie said...


nick said...

Granny could be hurled quite easily if she had been converted to an urn-full of ashes. Of course the lid would have to be well secured....

ian said...

Do you not have any cauliflower-eared ones in Oz?

Unknown said...

I believe I may have now heard it all!!

Kath Lockett said...

I know that bunnies are bad here in Oz, but I do have rather a soft spot for a lop-eared gentleman known around these 'ere parts as 'Skipper' whose main vice is to eat his own DOOR. Dumb bunny.....

California Girl said...

Great post Baino! Truth is stranger than fiction. Weird as the dead bunny throwing is, it makes for amusing writing.

The Ned Beatty in the forest w/ the rednecks scene still makes my skin crawl. Only saw it once (when the movie came out in '72 i think) AND ONCE WAS ENOUGH!

hokgardner said...

My husband and his friends went on a week-long canoeing trip in Arkansas. I made them all shirts that said, "Paddle faster boys, I hear banjos." They loved them and wore them with pride.

As for throwing bunnies? You could never get away with that here in the states without PETA getting on your ass.

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Bunny throwing huh? New to me...although I believe in one of the newer kiddos movies they throw cartoon bunnies!


Roy said...

Huh! Bunny-throwing sounds like something out of a Monty Python movie, with Michael Palin doing his usual dim-wit medieval villager act - "Wot??" - while dangling a dead rabbit by the hind legs.

BTW, I've been saying for years that the banjo-player in Deliverance was George W. Bush's cameo walk-on in the film business. I mean, look - the resemblance is amazing!

Alan Burnett said...

"Do you throw your dead grandmother around for a joke at her funeral?" he asked.
No but neither do I eat my dead Uncle Charlie. But there again I like a bacon sandwich.

Leah said...

Roy's right, it's pure Monty Python.

And yeah, what's wrong with throwing a dead one? It's a tad bit id-driven, but maybe a good way to release some of those sweet childhood aggressions...

Renee said...

Gross and then I was laughing and then I was dead bunnies, gross.


Kate said...

I know a lot of people that are pests - I wouldn't mind throwing them around!!

petra michelle; Whose role is it anyway? said...

A shame how much it takes amuse ourselves, isn't it?

Anonymous said...


sincerely yours,
emily rabbit

Susan at Stony River said...

OMG. I don't know whether to laugh or puke.

Brian Miller said...

a definite bad hare day! (cymbal crash)

glad that agency was not around when i was a kid....

Anonymous said...

I heard about mobile throwing contest but not about rabbit throwing contest.

Megan said...

*throws bunny at Brian*

Darlene said...

How about 'throw grandma from the train'? I find it repulsive to have children throwing dead anything. Let them throw horse shoes, frisbees, or bowling balls, but not rabbits. Yuck!

Mike said...

They should make it an Olympic sport. The bunny toss! LOL!

I need to go see your traffic post now! I don't know how I missed it.

Tom said...

it's ok to chop off their little feet to make into what's a little harmless bunny tossing? wonder if there's any footage of this on youtube?

Baino said...

Bunny boiling? Ah Fatal Impact!

Oh Nick, that's awful! Who'd hurl a granny, sprinkle maybe!

Yep Ian we do! The mighty Rabbitohs! Russell Crowe's NRL team, they all have cauliflower ears and broken noses (and shit for brains)

Oh Sandy I don't think so!

Well they're not your cute domestic Skipper types thank goodness.

Yeh Cali but I'm not sure about the conventional wisdom of teaching children to throw dead animals! I hope they washed their hands afterwards!

Haha . . paddle fast! I would have thought they'd make 'em targets!

Jill I just don't get throwing dead animals . . totally weird.

I didn't notice George there I'll have to go and have another look. Actually, I'm keen to see the film again, it's been ages.

Oh Alan!

'sweet agression' eeeeuwww ..theyre dead wabbits, I can't pick one up let alone chuck it without the assistance of a spade!

Gross is right Renee but we don't like bunnies down here.

Ha! Kate . .I work with someone I'd like to throw off a tall building . . alive!

Oh Emily you're ok because you're in the Northern Hemisphere where you're supposed to be, not digging holes in my garden!

One of those stories isn't it Suze?

Groan . . Brian . .you went there with the hare. (I have those as well but they're funnier)

Ropi, I prefer a thong throwing contest! (flip flops, not knickers)

Megan he deserves it!

Darlene! Grandma from the train? Good grief Yeh, give the munchkins a ball and develop their gross motor skills.

Otin you're a tosser!

Dunno, I didn't think to look. I don't think these people have cameras. They're stll skinning animals and playing banjos

xxx said...

Kiwi's are mad... all Aussies know that ;)
thanks for reminding me... though it's an awesome country to holiday in.

x Ribbon

Skip Simpson said...

This is shocking!!! What's next??? Are they going to outlaw dwarf tossing??? This is just another example of that socilizt Obamma cutting out all our fun!!! Teabag!!!

Chris Wolf said...

Hey - thanks for stopping by! What's a star dropper by your mailbox? What's the "star" thingee? The evil laugh tells me its painful for someone!

New Yorker wannabes said...

Hmmm that is a strange 'h(r)abbit' lol

Enjoy your weekend!!

nick said...

The world record for dead-bunny throwing is of course held by Emmanuel B Jessops Jr of Little Bend, Oklahoma, who in 2007 threw a dead bunny 193.2 metres despite a force 7 gale.

(Or so a bloke in the pub told me)

Mim said...

why not just throw buckets of germs around - I mean really - what yuck it would be when they splat open - eyuuhww.

The music in that video still gives me great joy. The movie still gives me chills.

laughingwolf said...

foly huck!

tony said...

(A Yorkshireman Writes) You Make sheep shaggers Sound Like A Bad Thing......

Grannymar said...

Baino, what ever about tossing bunnies... I have gone off that Nick fella! Tell him I aid "Oh ye cannae shove yer grannie aff the bus".

If you want the rest of the words go here:

nick said...

Oh Grannymar, I loved both my grannies. Much much nicer than my tyrannical father.

lettuce said...


how about cow slinging?

fab photograph

Cinema Minima said...

Hehe! I wonder if the rabbits were skinned, filleted and put in plastic pakaging before being thrown, would people be as upset?

Gledwood said...

Aren't those hairs?

Or hares??