I think the bitch is back! The Twittersphere is alive with outrage, advertising execs are upset but one very happy lad is 'escaping' to Bali because he won a Kraft competition to rename a new version of Vegemite.
Now for the uninitiated, and I've mentioned it before, Vegemite is a black gooey, salty, yeasty spread that appears in just about every Aussie pantry. There's nothing quite like it spread thinly on toast or fresh white crusty bread (yeh I know but it doesn't taste the same on healthy wholemeal.) We love our Vegemite. We eat it, we write songs about it, we recall the advertising jingles from our childhood.
It doesn't melt, it doesn't go off . . it's as parochial to us as Fish and Chips to the English, Sauerkraut to the Germans, Apple Pie to the Americans, Sushi to the Japanese erm strange pickled eggs with baby chickens in it to the Malaysians and the Croissant to the French. It's featured in songs, it's berated by foreigners and it's the one thing that Aussies overseas miss the minute they land on foreign soil even if they never eat it at home. It's the epitome of 'comfort food'!
So when you muck about with it and add processed cream cheese to it that adds insult to injury. When you run a competition to name it and the name ends up being as lame as the product, we are outraged! What G7? What missile fired from Iran? What NRL Grand final . . that isn't news!
THIS is news:
Kraft announced the new name for its Vegemite and cream cheese mixture - iSnack 2.0 - what the? And household debate wondered towards whether Kraft had tampered with the untouchable (and for some the indigestible). Besides the obvious attempt to link to the 'i' pod/shuffle/Mac generation do they realise that 2.0 is over four years old? And I don't know but my Gen Y's like the real deal. Especially when they're poorly and all they can stomach is a cup of tea and Vegemite soldier boys!
Kraft reckon that three million jars of the new gloop, with the label "name me" have been sold since July, and they received more than 48,000 entries offering to rename their product. The competition was won by West Australian web designer Dean Robbins.
But the brand name that many marketing experts said would have been perfect for the new product - CheesyMite - is registered with national baking chain 'Bakers Delight' so no joy there although you'd think the power of Kraft could have perhaps bought the trademark from them. I mean their CheesyMites are bread scrolls with Vegemite and melted cheese. Hardly your gazillion dollar enterprise or gourmet experience.
Well I've yet to taste the cheesy-cheaters black gloop. I probably won't since I rarely eat Vegemite but I'm sure out of 48 THOUSAND entries there must have been something that would endear the new cousin of Vegemite to the Australian public.
We're not happy little Vegemites any more, yep it's even a noun to describe happiness! Puts a rose in every cheek you know!
Try doing that with smooth cheesy iSnack 2.0!