Now, I've been tagged variously by a number of people for memes. It's not that I don't love you but I'm saving them for those writer's block or sentimental days when I can actually do them justice.
This is not so much a meme but Megan, my n00b Facebook and bloggy pal asked her bloggers for something to put on a noticeboard in her workplace. It seemed such a good idea. Currently, my workstation is very Clarecentric with the exception of a couple of Adam pics and of course the wonderful Lily: (you can click to enlarge)

However, she who travels a lot, comes home on Monday night (SQUEEE) and I will have her in the flesh, her photos on Facebook and DVD and her persistently messy room to give me comfort so I will need no longer to stare at her travelling visage on a daily basis. I'm ripping down the reminders of her journey on Wednesday morning. Hence, I will have a big glass space of nothingness. Not that I'm one for decorating my workspace, quite the contrary, it has the usual staplers and calculators, files, Dictaphones and water glasses and with the exception of some Children's Hospital bandaged bears to raise money for charity is pretty bland . . so . . your mission . . should you choose to accept. Is to send me something to fill that glass wall. (Maxi, no teabagging and Quickie no Brasilian bottoms). Sent me something that depicts you or where you live or what you love . . .I'll give you space on my wall and see what the office thinks of my little known hobby! I'm very proud of you so will be keen to show you off!
Keep it clean folks, I'm in full view! Email's in my profile. So go you good things - gimme Zebra or peeps from Africa, Thriftypants, tantalising teddy's, Laughing Boy and Puppychild, Massachussets grandchildren, borrowed dogs, cakes from Cavan, sailing boats, scratched cars in Canada, French farmyards and Austrian wildflowers and of course Hungarian hilarity or you in a fairy suit (hang on, I've already got one of those), Iced Coffee from Adelaide, countryside in Carolina, deer and doves in Vermont, knits in New England, birdies from Brisbane, or fabulous fish from Texas. Icelandic escapades, Roborovski's in London or if you dare . . a portrait, a photo, a pic of the real you. . . .Miley I'm not putting Brittany up there without her knickers on but I'll pay you for a lime spider or a photo of your deck! C'mon . . make it cool!
AND big thank you to Bimbimbie who is one of only a couple of Aussie compatriots with whom I blog, for her lovely Chrissy tree decoration! Photos closer to the big day . . I love Christmas . . ."Deck the walls bla bla bla-bla-bla . . ." (It was a deliberate mistake folks). Six more sleeps!
I haven't tagged everyone because I'm really tired but all can be found in my blogroll so pay each other a visit. You're a truly diverse bunch!
You could always print out a special printed version of Foxy Lolo...
I'm not brave enough to snap you a picture of blue eye shadow girl lest the police be called, so Foxy Lolo represent y'all!
Have you any idea how long it's going to take me to find a 'clean' photo? - well I see what I can do
Now what would I send?
A photo? Nah!
A virtual invitation to a boozy bloggie lunch in Ireland! ;-)
This sounds like fun! Will you post a shot of the new collage when it's done? Can't wait to give it a whirl ...
And, oh dear, about the $ mistake ... I got a lump in my throat reading about it and hope it gets resolved soon for you.
And welcome home Clarebear! You must be over the moon with anticipation. :)
What a wonderful idea.
Check your e-mail later today for something from me.
Bear((( )))
I just sent off a little something. Or little somethings. Actually two of them aren't that little.
ooooh, interesting, who knows what photos you will be sent ... I will have a think tonight, and send one onto you.... but you have seen most of mine either in my Monday Montages or Facebook !
Thanks Miley . .it's so 'you'
Quickie, well you managed 1 out of 2! The first isn't quite 'suitable' for a public space so the other will do just fine.
GM, Gahn then! Actually I already have a couple of nice photos of you!
Yep absolutely Melissa. I'll put it in the sidebar too as Megan did. Rather nice to see my colourful lorikeet on her office wall! Yep, it's a weird week only five more sleeps!
Thank you Bear I wonder what it wil be? hehehe!
Thanks Chris, they arrived alive and well. It's a big space so no worries re the size!
Two of my favorite travel photos
Wadi Rum in Jordan
Pulau Pangkor in Malaysia
I'll find a good one and send it along shortly. It is surely a fun thing to do and look how much more space you have than I did, can't wait to see it fill up!
I wanna see what you have been sent !!!!!
TCL that's your whole album there boy! Excellent choices tho!
Good one Megs, no rush I won't be doing anything until Wednesday. (Your Tuesday).
Thanks Moon, yours are safe and sound and definitely going on the 'wall'.
Hope they're worthy of your board.
BTW - the rock formation in the Wadi Rum photo is named Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T.E. Lawrence. Somehow that's how I imaging the outback to look like.
Here's my entry for my visit to the valley.
I'll send you somethin', but you can't put it on the wall. ;)
Nah, I'll send ya a pretty picture. :)
Well, at least blogger is not on your computer screen! Hello from your blogger friend in exile.
Ted it does indeed look a little like the outback. Beautiful pics, I've had a wonder through your Picassa albums. Fantastic.
JD now you know me well enough so something quirky will be just fine!
Ces . .where have you been? Nope, don't blog at work other than the odd comment while I'm eating a sandwich. I'm usually off feeding horses or doing my Chrissy shopping! So what are you going to send me? And come out of exile . .I miss you!
Okay, I've sent you pics of me and Jenny, strictly for noticeboard use only! You must be SO excited at Clare's homecoming!
Glad I'm flying to Oz via Singapore and not Bangkok....
Oooh, now there's a challenge! Just gimme a day or two and you'll have something interesting in your inbox! ;)
Nick, so you have which is just as well if I'm to meet you on the 21st! I'm extremely excited about meeting you guys and Clare of course - but this week has been a total bastard at work. Five more sleeps.
Oh Jay, for you it's a no-brainer! Depp, Dogs or Quarter Horses . . look forward to it.
Oh go on, Baino, help yourself to one of my flickr shots - a zebra perhaps? ;-)
What a fun idea! (and congratulations on the homecoming!)
If you can use any more Cyahvan photos, you're welcome to pick up anything off my 'other' site, the photoblog (now featuring rusty junk! You want rusty junk? Sure you do!)
I've been enjoying your comments for months on the blogs we mutually hit; finally indulging in a cruise through your blog and liking it so much I'm sorry I didn't click through much much sooner--great stuff!
Cakes from Cavan! Ooh, that's me!
Thanks AV I will, your Zebra has given way to Plitvice as my screen saver so maybe that's the one for the wonderwall.
Hi Susan, yep, I've been stalking yours for a while now. Welcome over to the dark side and the invitation to pinch one of your lovely snaps. (I use the term lightly you're clearly a proficient photographer.)j
EM in percentage terms, the Cavan contingent is quite strong. There's you and Terrence of course, Susan and I've even got an ex blogger (who wishes to remain anonymous) visiting with me next January - in five weeks actually - gah! He's insisting on bringing Cavan glass, apparently you're famous for it and he won't be deterred despite knowing my knickname is "Basher Bainbridge". Straight to the crystal cupboard with that one. Thanks for the picks. This is more fun than Christmas . .almost!
Sorry! Baino
I'm late getting to this. I'm still tied up elsewhere.
Brilliant idea! Bear with me and I'll send some sailing boats your way and whatever else takes my fancy.
Only 4 sleeps to go now!
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