No, you're not imagining things, I deleted last night's post. Whilst it was written as only semi-serious and the comments were hilarious, my version events was of course skewed to my way of thinking and perhaps I took a little too much poetic license. I know, it's my blog and I'll rant if I want to but he who was the target of my bile wasn't impressed with my 'version' of events so to keep the peace I have instigated the first piece of self-regulation since the blog's inception. So . . having self-regulated, lets move on:
I grabbed this from the ABC site Friday afternoon:
A campaign is underway to chastise Burma's military regime, not through dialogue or sanctions, but by flooding the country's foreign embassies with women's underwear, an activist said.
A pro-democracy group based in the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai is urging people all over the world to "post, deliver or fling" their undergarments to Burma's international embassies.
"The Burma military regime is not only brutal but very superstitious. They believe that contact with a woman's panties or sarong can rob them of their power," the Lanna Action for Burma group said on its website.
The generals who rule Burma provoked international outcry in September when they violently cracked down on peaceful protesters, killing at least 13 people.
Europe, Australia and the United States led the chorus of disapproval, announcing new sanctions against the regime. Despite the outcry and a United Nations statement deploring the crackdown and urging dialogue, the junta has shown little sign of moving any closer towards democracy or freeing opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Those behind the so-called "Panty Power" campaign hope that lingerie can succeed where international diplomacy has so far failed.
"We want to raise awareness first, and we want to target the Burmese government officials, letting them know we are against them abusing their power," said Tomoko, an activist with Lanna Action for Burma.
Tomoko, who goes by one name only, said she had heard that Burma's embassy in Canberra as well as others in Thailand and the United States have been targeted by the Panty Power campaign, which began last week.
"We are sending [the generals] panties as a symbol of putting their power down," she said.
Is that why women throw their knickers at Tom Jones to get him orff the stage?
C'mon ladies, you've been looking for a form of activism that's easy, cheap and possibly effective. If only all inhumanity to man could be solved by chucking a pair of undies. Not to make too light of this, it is actually a concerted effort by those concerned.
I won't be posting my Bridget Jones' best but I am tempted to send a couple of pairs of ClareBear's 'wasteofpegs' to: Burmese Embassy, 132 Sathorn Nua Road, Bangkok 10500.
And for the record, no, that's not me in the photo!
Want some of my pink, fleece lined elasticated top and bottomed bloomers!
Heh I read this. What is going on in Burma is terrible. I was out protesting a few weeks ago and I sent letters maybe I will send some undies. Why do you call them “wasteofpegs”? Oh and will you be sending them clean or dirty? The latter may prove more effective.
GM: They sound very sensible for your climate if not alittle 'itchy' and quite practical should you ever need to go to a fancy dress party as a pink fawn.
Nonny: Because I hang out about 20 pairs of g-strings that are simply a waste of a peg each week! It's like hanging out a piece of string and they're almost dry straight out from the wash. You're a skinny titch, I'm sure you know what I mean. Being the anal retentive I am they would have to be clean.
Please post the remaining comments after the first two, if any.
Please post the remaining comments after the first two, if any.
ahhhh I see however I don't wear G-strings, I don't see the point you might as wear nothing so they be getting granny knickers from me.
Awww -- I'm sorry I missed that post! Anyway, the Burma situation is horrible, but I found myself laughing out loud at this. Foreign policy reduced to mailing thongs...I love it!
It's been a great day for knickers in general I feel. On the whole like. Hur hur hur....
HAHHAA, it's time to get a drawful of new 'Spring' undies :)
T Mac: pun intended?
Anonymous: I've heard of a spring in your step but springs in your knickers .. that's one way to get them to Burma I suppose.
Tabasco Coyote; I'm wise to your tricks you hawt dawg!
G-strings are indeed a great waste of a peg which is why two or three should be hung together. Now, I wonder just what sort of g-strings might be sent to the Burmese overlords - red? lacy? see through? used? scented with tea rose and musk? The possibilities are endless!
AV: at least the postage will be cheap!
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