Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday Fuckwits

Some people seriously have nothing to do. We're in a world recession, the wheels are falling off and yet some copyright zealot has lost the plot or is trying to justify his existence.

Once Australian-owned biscuit manufacturer Arnott's Biscuits, says the Krispy Kreme 'Iced Dough-Vo' is too similar to its 'Iced Vo-Vo' and is threatening a law suit for breach of copyright.

No not it's Iced Volvo . . .

It's Iced Vo-Vo . . . .

Arnott's Biscuits has issued a legal ultimatum to doughnut maker Krispy Kreme, alleging that its "Iced Dough-Vo" is too similar to Arnott's "Iced Vo-Vo".

Arnott's lawyers have asked Krispy Kreme to stop using the name Iced Dough-Vo.

Arnott's says that Krispy Kreme's product visually resembles the Iced Vo-Vo biscuit, and the Iced Dough-Vo tag is phonetically almost identical.

It says this is clearly misleading and deceptive, and violates the trademark on the Iced Vo-Vo name, which it has held since 1906. The Arnott's biscuit is topped with pink marshmallow fondant, a strip of strawberry jam and sprinkled with coconut, while the Dough-Vo is also covered in pink fondant and coconut and we believe, filled with jam.

But, while it reserves its right to take legal action, Arnott's says it may not take action if the offending doughnuts are renamed.

Krispy Kreme doughnuts says it will not remove its Iced Dough-Vo product from sale. The chief executive of Krispy Kreme, John McGuigan, says the product attempts to pay tribute to an Australian icon.

"We did receive a request from lawyers representing Arnott's that we withdraw these from the shelves in our stores because we were allegedly in breach of various trademarks," he said.

"We've taken advice on that of course, and that advice is, that's not the case, and that Krispy Kreme customers are pretty smart and they can tell the difference between a doughnut and a biscuit
Yeh, that does look like a doughnut . . .with a very teensy hole!

The offending 'Iced Dough-Vo' doughnut


nick said...

Yes, never mind the economic meltdown, let's talk biscuits and doughnuts! Well, the names are so similar, clearly Krispy Kreme is ripping off the other lot, but does it matter? Won't it increase sales of both because each one reminds you of the other?

Grow Up said...

New contender for the gay-est biscuit! This is currently held by the Jacob's Mikado as determined by Podge and Rodge with the help of Senator David Norris. They are very similar to the VoVos.

Tom said...

I'd rather have the volvo...good thing it is not pink and covered with coconut, or they would be getting sued also.

Grannymar said...

I have been eating those rectangular biscuits topped with pink marshmallow fondant, a strip of strawberry jam and sprinkled with coconut since I was a little girl. They were made by Jacobs in Bishop's Street, Dublin and sold from large tins with glass lids!

Baino said...

There was a case here where Macdonalds tried to sue an Indian Restaurant in Newcastle because they'd decorated their establishment in red and gold and the backs of their chairs resembled the golden arch . . they lost.

Oooh the Mikado is so much prettier! Perhaps they should be suing Arnotts for copying their style.

Tom that's the Volvo Ice - pretty init and safe as houses!

Ah GrannyMa you're obviously a Jacobs Mikado fan as well! Jump up and down with indignation and demand that Arnotts compensate you!

Bimbimbie said...

Crumbs*!* Pass me a Tim Tam please ;)

Anonymous said...

If it was up to me all coke manufacturers would sue each other because for me all coke except Cherry Coke has the same taste.

River said...

I love Iced Vo-Vo's, but I don't think d eat an Iced Dough-Vo. It would seem disloyal or something. plus doughnuts shouldn't have coconut on them.

California Girl said...

you are right. too many people with nothing to do.

Brian Miller said...

vo - dough - vo - dough - vo - vo -

figured i would at least speak their language and hope they were reading.

silliness. lol. i'll take a biscuit please.

ashleigh said...

Indeed. reminds me of the Cadbury purple law suit, which they lost, and are appealing.

And some Australian maker of a sparkling yellow coloured wine lost a case brought by a large french Champagne maker, over use of an orange coloured label. Even though the label did not say Champagne, cos thats not allowed any more, and it was clearly identified as a product of Australia.

Go figure. They argue we are all too thick to know the difference, but really, it's just all about money and lawyers with too little to do.

Susan at Stony River said...

Well, I'd never heard of the Vo-Vos before this lawsuit, so personally I think Krispy Kreme should start charging Arnott's for the publicity and advertising, etc.

Just sayin'.

Megan said...

Susan stole my comment! ;)

Unknown said...

hey, you're a marketing sort, you know how testy brand managers get about this sort of thing - and especially so if markets are threatened by economic meltdowns.

But I do have to add that all those biscuits and donuts look a lot more like things that belong in the bedroom - perhaps the Dough-Vo boys could go into bed making?

Anonymous said...

Baino, I also remember McDonald's going after an Israeli version of their famed golden arches. The name was McDavid's and the arches were much more rouned at the top. And everything served was kosher! I think the case quietly went away....

Musicians have been ripping off each other for generations. And don't get me started on the film industry, again!

And I thought Krispy Kreme went out of busy-ness?

Ronda Laveen said...

Sounds like a Pink-Off to me. Let's get ready to rumbleeeeee. Or maybe crumble.

laughingwolf said...

so glad i prefer pretzels :P lol

but i do like the idea a v has ;)

Terence McDanger said...

The iced volvo might be tasty but how did it perform in crash tests and can you get an underage soccer team in the back along with a family of Saint Bernards, hmmm? Hmmmm? Well, anyone, hmmmm?

kj said...

Question: when is a donut not a biscuit?

Answer: I have no idea.

in little north conway new hampshire there is a little b & b named the holiday inn. i think it has been in existance for several decades. so some years back along comes THE holiday inn and sues for name rights. jeez louise.

i'm glad the economic crisis is leading many of us back to simple ways. (may we hold on once the money flows again). i thought of this when i read this post for reasons i cannot explain but do understand.

(kj, what the hell are you saying??)


Baino said...

Haha . .can't stand Iced Vo Vo's myself. Tim Tams are delish and Mint Slices to die for but . . nah gimme a nice bottle of fake Aussie Champagne with an orange or no label and a nice King Island Brie!

Terrence and kj I think you've been at the wacky terbacky!

Mrsupole said...

All I can say is that talk of biscuits and doughnuts is making me hungry. So I had to get up and eat two brownie bites from Costco. Which will probably add another pound back.

I would say the same as some others here. Do they think we cannot tell the difference between the two. And the free publicty for them both. But I cannot eat Krispy Kreme donuts because I feel like I just ate a piece of lard. Then out comes the Tums. I hate Krispy Kreme's....ugh.

Baino said...

Mrsupole they were a real novelty here a few years ago with only very few outlets and most people bought them through fund raising orders at schools and pre-schools. Now that they actually have stalls in shopping malls, they've lost their 'exclusivity'. I'm not a doughnut or biscuit person myself . .one sniff and I gain weight. . .plus they don't taste as nice as a glass of chardy and a slice of double brie!

Melanie said...

once again the comments crack me up lol.
I dont know where I stand. I make copy cat felt vo vos so I better look out. Coconut on a donut is just disgusting anyhow and iced vo vos dont taste like they did when I was a kid.I hate krispy Kremes also. There is something weird about them. something un-donutty. As long as no one messes with Tim Tams I dont give a rats.

Renee said...

Ha ha ha. Money to burn baby.



Candie said...

Just like you said,some people have nothing better to do obviously!Crazy!

BT said...

Well, how jolly ridiculous! What an utter waste of money on all sides. I think the copy cats should change the name of their revolting looking donut. Coconut donut? No thank you.

i beati said...

please give me a break..with flu all around..sad