A year ago was not much different to any other. I had what I thought was a secure and reasonably satisfying job. I was accumulating debt, waiting for that magic wad of cash for a property that nobody wants to buy and our first and only offer fell through. Wishing I could afford more than a long weekend for a holiday. Wondering if my car would make it through another year. Both my kids out of Uni and making their own way in the world. Annoyed at the amount of maintenance required around the house. A creature of habit and routine . .much like now.
However this time last year our tiny family of three was one less. My soulmate and daughter, had been away from home for five months . . traipsing the wilds of the Gringo trail before 'doing' Mexico, America, Canada and Europe - and I was desperately missing her.
Thanks to Facebook, Skype, blogging and Webcams . . I could follow her every move, see what she saw, almost feel what she felt . . .although I missed her smell, her embrace, her chatter . . she was wonderful and kept in touch every three days, sometimes more often. Four days without seeing her lovely visage was unusual. It all seems so far away now as she leaves for work each morning and returns each evening, well entrenched in normality and not much excitement. She messes up her bedroom and splotches mascara on the mirror. Is back to Weetbix and banana for breakfast and partying hard on weekends. Much as she did before she left.
I missed her and I'm so relieved and delighted to have her home but I know I can't keep her, despite my best attempts to build an ivory tower around her. . she'll be off again next year only this time, I know that she's mature enough to handle herself, experienced enough to be mindful, frugal enough to make her money last, adventurous enough to really experience her surroundings and that whatever happens, she will always come home again!

When My Baby Goes to Rio
Another trip, way to go young Clarebear! For a minute there Baino, I thought you were about to tell us that you were tagging along too!
Great post Baino.Really nice pictures!
Have a nice day :)
Somebody had an awfully nice trip. I'm envious.
great trip down mem lane. the pics are amazing must have been such an adventure!
It's great the way youngsters now just take for granted the idea of travelling round the world and seeing other people and other countries. It was much less common when I was growing up, even going to Europe was still a bit of an adventure. I like the very cool and dignified toucan!
Wow! What fabulous shots -- I hope someday Charlotte and Iris send me photos like that ... and I hope our blogs are still going so I can comment here and sniffle on your virtual shoulder. :**) You're a super mom!
Awesome Baino... how lucky are you? Actually it's not luck, I'm sure you've worked hard for that beautiful daughter.
Here's to a Lotto win for you to go travelling too.
best wishes Ribbon
Just trying to tick off the ones I regonised !!!!
What wonderful pictures of her trip. She looks like she is and has so much fun. No wonder you miss her.
I love the pics and I'm envious that I have not made it to Macchu Picchu. Thanks for sharing the memories.
Ahhhhh, the memories, already fading.......must get back to my blog and get another post going.
love the captions and the photos. It's funny we want them to explore but oh the relief when they are home..sandy
yeah... the joys of parenthood! :)
she's a peach, baino :)
my older daughter completed her master's degree on 08 april, convocation is 26 may... whatever happened to my wee firstborn?
but man, am i proud of her!
her sis and bro too... they still plan on going to college and/or uni... at some point :O
Looks great...i have 3 kids in college and going broker every day...hope one day to be able to see them make their own way, and that it will all have been worth it.
Really good fun pictures
I hope my offspring gets the chance to take a trip like that someday.
Clarebear, you are b-e-a-yoooutiful just like your mama!
I might have to start joining in on the Madhouse. Great topics, always, and of course always a great take on them over here.
Beautiful photos. I love how you've captioned them with song lines.
nice post to ponder on. now you have me thinking what was happening in the nunde house a year ago. i must be senile or it must have been horibble coz i just cant remember lol
i know ever song but that castle one, can you sing it please lol.
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