Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Laughter is the Best Medicine

I defy you not to laugh!


laughingwolf said...

beats a cranky kid, every time ;) lol

Anonymous said...

laughing is infectious and fun!

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

lol - if they can maintain that sense of humour thru they'll have a ball!

Maggie May said...

I'm absolutely melting! What a gorgeous kid and such an infectious laugh. I was creased up!

John said...

What a jolly little chap. The say the past is the best predictor of the future ...

Baino said...

Haha someone sent me this . . nothing cuter than a giggly baby . .if only they didn't leak at both ends! I just hope I get over my babyphobia before the grandkids come along!

Anonymous said...

Seen it before but I couldn't resist another go and yes, he succeeded in making me laugh all over again.

Well done, Baino

A great tonic following an otherwise miserable, wet day in Dublin.

Baino said...

Hey Steph! I was a bit busy today putting out fires and someone emailed me this just as I was about to break an ergonomic chair over the IT guy's head . . .diffused a potentially fatal situation! Weather's lovely here but now I have to go to work and sit inside all day *sob*

Anonymous said...

HAHHAHAHAA!!!! Thanks Baino, needed that :)

Anonymous said...

HAHHAHAHAA!!!! Thanks Baino, needed that :)

Anonymous said...


Laughter allows the soul to escape the body!

Anonymous said...

I. am. here. commenting. as. Anonybird. Does. anyone. have. a. sausage. pancake. or. calculator?

Baino said...

Poor Anonybird . . you're like a martini shaken but not stirred . . .I have a calculator . . you're a silly sausage but no can do on the pankake!

Kath Lockett said...

Yeah, that clip's been a facebook classic for a while now. That kid's destined to be a comedian - or a government budget-allocator - with an evil giggle like that!

Baino said...

Yeh, I know it's been around for a while, just can't watch it without giggling!

Anonymous said...

Ooops, sorry about that Baino! G3TFilms has been hypnotised to comment as 'Anonymous' on all the new posts belonging to my Blogger friends. He's also supposed to find me breakfast. He's doing a TERRIBLE job! He's good at stirring; I'll give him a shake! That was me with hiccups earlier...

laughingwolf said...

as a mama, you should be used to leaks... from anywhere ;) lol

Anonymous said...

Oh classic. I don't know what's funnier, the baby's laugh or the Dad's stifled sniggering in the background. Made my cry laughing!! x

Baino said...

Haha . .18 comments on a kid laughing. Well done sports!

Anonymous: poor old GT . .I'll expect the unexpected!

LW: fortunately I'm well passed the leakage period!

As a member of the ministry of sillly noises English Mum I think both are hilarious . .