In Australia, we enjoy enjoy quite a few long weekends. Usually the Monday is the designated public holiday. We have Easter Monday, Queen's Birthday weekend in June, the October Long weekend and those in the banking sector get a day off sometime but since it doesn't affect me I couldn't tell you when but some public holidays fall on the date they are due. Christmas and Boxing Day and New Year's Day of course, Australia day on the 26th January and ANZAC day on the 25th April.
This year, Australia Day falls on a Tuesday and so today . . . Australia chucked a sickie . . .
en masse.
We receive between 9 and 22 paid 'Personal Leave' days a year. These can be used for illness, or to support an immediate relative during times of illness or need. Apparently Australians take an average 91/2 days a year, their European counterparts, just 7. Big Whoop!
Personal leave is of course fully paid, accumulative and not redeemable upon resignation or termination so most Aussies take their full complement during the year. This is on top of 20 days paid Annual leave for most, some careers even more. Teachers for instance have 11 weeks paid leave and 22 sick days.
Apparently around 500,000 workers blew off work today to snare themselves a four-day weekend. Even more elected to take a day's legitimate leave and enjoy a four-day weekend (I would have, but since I haven't accrued much leave and had to forfeit quite a bit during the Christmas close-down . . I did turn up to work!)
The head of the Retailers Association, Scott Driscoll, says people who joined the mass sick day are un-Australian. Oh what a crock of horse shit. Aussies are 'master's at the engineered sickie!
Research conducted by absence-management firm Direct Health Solutions shows that the increase in workers taking sick days today will cost the economy about $257 million. WOW! And Nick Behrens, the general manager of policy at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Queensland, says workers who fake illness today are being selfish. No, employers are being greedy and stupid expecting anything else.
Oh for goodness sakes . . who's bright idea was it to have the day off 'on the day'. I mean, we have Easter conveniently at whatever equinox happens to be around and enjoy a Friday and a Monday off. Nobody says "right, Good Friday is on the 22nd April every year . . " which in itself is stupid I mean, how did Christ get crucified and rise again on a different day each year!
Mr Behrens says having the day off will hurt employers and contribute to a $30 billion annual sick day bill for the Australian economy. Well duh! Have the holiday on the MONDAY. Let's face it. Our indigenous population doesn't mind the idea of celebrating being Australian but does have a problem with it being the date of 'invasion' when Capt. Cook declared 'terra nullis' despite the presence of a huge aboriginal population!
The twat also said, "Employers have stepped up over the last 12 to 18 months and done everything possible to ensure that they have not had to let their employees go when there wasn't necessarily the work for them to do." Oh for goodness sakes, that's a load of gobshite. I for one lost my job thanks to the GFC and so did thousands of others!
Apparently the most likely to 'fake' illness today were, Union members and mums and dads and Generation X (who let's face it take a sickie if they didn't get to watch the last episode of True Blood). Let me tell you, after working for one company for 15 years and being retrenched, then another for 9 years and being retrenched I don't appreciate being 'preached' to about loyalty!
All I can say is that my workplace was like a ghost town today. I don't know who took sickies or who had legitimatee leave but the place was empty. It was wonderful. The phones didn't ring, I could flit from desk to desk doing the filing for my five men and leave at 5pm, right on time! Thank you sickie takers, you made my day. I was more productive so at least made up for a couple of dodgy absences. At least thanks to Kyle . . fewer people are confessing on FB: