I am embroiled in a battle regarding the pros and cons of being a readhead. Strange actually because I'm not . . . at least not last time I looked and whilst I had a tinge of auburn as a girl, I have no idea what colour my hair is these days. That then qualifies me to be unbiased and sit on the fence in judgement of the 'bluey', 'ginger' , 'red-head' and 'carrot top' . . . I have red-headed friends, I also have friends who are in love with red-heads, friends who would like to be in love with red-heads and even friends who hate red-heads. Love 'em or hate 'em everyone has an opinion. Apparently, if you love redheads, you're in luck because red hair is the new black . If you're not so keen, you probably need to move to the southern hemisphere or Asia where there are fewer about.
Redheads do have some special attributes. It’s true . . . redheads feel pain more acutely but respond to morphine more readily, are less likely to tan and more likely to burn, have fair eyebrows and eyelashes and low tolerance for sunlight. They also age more slowly due to lack of exposure to sun. They have the highest risk of skin cancer and the chance of being deficient in vitamin D. They are also said to be 'hot tempered' although if you're a readhead who's been brought up teased and bullied, no wonder you've got a temper! They are also generally regarded as having a high libido so that's a good thing surely?
What brought on this polarisation over redheads escapes me. Red hair was very popular with the Elizabethans. Reubens would have been lost without his swooning Gingers and Botticelli's Birth of Venus a disaster. Tori Amos wouldn’t be famous and Julie Anne Moore wouldn’t look so good in green. Hell our own Nicole Kidman is a redhead beneath. I have had difficulty coming up with handsome redheaded males hough, unless Mick Hucknall counts - I dunno - Malcolm McLaren isn't my idea of a hot date any more than Robin Cook is and Rupert Grint is a little too young to work out quite what he's going to look like.
So how did they get red hair?Red hair follows what geneticists call an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Each parent carries a recessive 'red' gene. The same MC1R gene responsible for red hair in humans crops up in other red creatures: red setters, chestnut horses, highland cattle and red squirrels. It is estimated that versions of the MC1R gene that cause red hair have been around for 20,000 to 40,000 years with the highest proportion being in Scotland, and 35% of Irish citizens carrying the gene,10% in England. All united by their Celtic past.
And if you believe the latest internet hoax about red heads dying out, don’t. It’s just a rehash of a similar article published about blondes. The genes will still exist regardless of where the people go. It only takes two carriers to find each other attractive for there to be a chance of a new redhead being born.
Oh and remember to eat your vegies. Poor nutrition can result in hair turning red. This is seen in third world countries particularly where severe malnutrition affects the pigmentation of hair that is normally dark brown.
So next time you’re tempted to harass someone whilst circling them on your BMX bike shouting 'Ginger! Ginger! Ginger!' The redhead can comfort themselves knowing that their harrassers could quite easily be carriers of the ginger gene . . . and remember the words of the Boss "you have not lived 'til you have had your tyres rotated by a red headed woman". Make of that what you will.
You forgot the great big ugly freckles that go with Red hair.
I know, I have them even now with gold turning silver.
...low tolerance for sunlight. They also age more slowly due to lack of exposure to sun... They are also generally regarded as having a high libido...
Are you sure you aren't talking about vampires?
*attaches i.v. drip of morphine*
Ah ... now even I love gingers ...
Another thing is the fact that ginger hair is fairer, so therefore less painful to wax.
Lucky bitches.
Most of my best friends were redheads, still are. I think others are just jealous :) Would it hurt to know Nicole really ISN'T a redhead? Nothing kinky as to how I know ... HAHHAAA.
The little mofo bro is a dark red head he is quite good looking but then again I am bias. My mammy was a red head in her day more blonde now though. I don’t mind red hair at all, although I have never gone out with a red head wouldn’t bother me though.
GM: I think freckles are cute!
AV: mmm . . .food for thought, although my 'ginger' friend does frequent Churches
K8: Good point . . the last time I waxed I ended up with a rash for three days. Back to the razor!
Anonymous: Um I don't think I wanna know how you know but if the curtains match the carpet . . .she was definitely a redhead as a kid: http://www.people.com/people/nicole_kidman/biography
Ah Nonny: You're prolly a carrier! Wait till little Nonny comes along!
Daz: Don't do drugs mkay . . . aww converted ye have I?
I'm not going to argue because a new reader and only do that when get to point of sick of leaving 'nice' comments all the time hahhahhaa. Still stand by what I said ... interesting young Nicole doesn't have eyebrows and the leaves are red in that photo ...
Anonymous: Bugga . . trust a photographer to pick it. Hell, I dunno whether she is or not, I'll take your word for it but please . . don't feel you have to be polite! As long as you don't insult my commenters, feel free to be as forthright as you like (Daz always is!)
I'm not usually a 'polite' type when being brutally honest, but good at measuring how far to go. Comfortable around here because can see I can be forthright if need to be ;)
I also want to tell you I'm paranoid my identity is going to be blown by getting to know you, as a result of spending time reading some of your old posts today. You are freakishly too close to accidently discovering who the long time Anonymous blogger is without even trying! HAHHAHAAAA. Hope that wasn't scary for you ...
Ooh a little rosy Nonny! I like it, preferably with pudgy cheeks and dimples!
Anonymous: pfft. We all knows each other round here even if we've never met. Now I'm intrigued.
Nonny: You're mad.But I like it.
OMG...I can't believe I missed this post. Here's some interesting facts about redhead, aside from your own:
In ancient Ireland if a traveler were to happen upon a woman with red hair he must turn around and start his journey all over again. Red heads bring bad luck to a ship, don't sail with one on board.
Macha, the red war-goddess makes a vengeful appearance in the second story of Ulster, in a terrible story of humiliation. This Macha placed the curse upon the men of Ulaid, for their mistreatment of her during her pregnancy. The curse was that during Ulster's hours of greatest need, the men of Ulster would suffer violent pangs like those of a woman giving birth. But Macha Mong Ruad, who also railed against the men of Ireland, was a great Queen in ancient times.
When I was a wee lad, I had a lot of red hair, mixed in with the blond. However, my mother would sit in the evenings, and pull the ginger hairs out one by one. She hates redheads. And, I think you know my feelings about redheaded women! 'Nough said!
Oh, the "Birth of Venus" is one of my favourite paintings of all time! :)
I love readheads. My daughter is one and she is beautiful with dark red hair. At 5 years old she has amodeling contract at a top agency. I just keep her out of the sun and slathered in sunscreen.
Thanks for the article.
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