Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Work is Like Pimple Popping
It's been three years of persistent change at work and now we're ready to implement all our fab databases, CRM's, processes, procedures and policies and in comes this irritation . . . upsets the most placid and in my mind proficient ParaPlanner on the planet and just about all the administrative staff . . . so today was massaging egos day for me but I came out a winner . . . fisticuffs averted . . . and hairs on the backs of necks also smoothed . . .I think things have come to a head, naturally ruptured and now we just need time to heal . . .
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Don't Joop
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Geography Geek
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Tell Her She's Dreamin'
I'm researching our Autumn Newsletter for work and inspired by these two big queens, thought I'd do something about journeys - literal, personal, financial . . so whilst I've been researching the nature of journeys I've also been envying the Balmoral Suite aboard the QE2 and indulging my travel fantasies - rich for someone who hasn't even got a current passport. Still . . . Maybe I'd be better cruising the second time round . . .the first time was when I emigrated to Australia as an 11 year old and spent four days spewing into the Bay of Biscay before we reached the relative calm of the Canary Islands . . .Ive never been game to cruise since.
I've also been checking the itineraries available through US agents R Crusoe and Son who arrange for bizarre private flights and off-the-beaten path luxury tours to the wonders of the world such as Machu Pichu, Easter Island, Cambodia, Luxor and more all aboard your private jet and staying at the world's most exclusive hotels.
Then there's the ultimate holiday, one where the journey is everything. Richard Branson's
Virgin Galactic flight in 2009! Seriously watch the movie it's surreal What a blast!
So, at what cost? 250,000 for the Balmoral Room and an 80 day all inclusive trip (plus I'd be a non-resident after that time and wouldn't have to pay any tax). About the same for a blast into space for 20 minutes on Mr Branson's rocket ship . . .and a little less to find out about the wonders of the world on a R Crusoe Private Journey, my own private jet and posh hotels . . . Oh I wish they'd take Monopoly money . . .
Monday, February 19, 2007
Feelin' Alright
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Buy me!
- Sell now at market value and lose the lovely relationship I have with my younger brother and his family who will lose out financially on their investment in the place if we sell at today's rates
- Hang on and live in stasis with no money for holidays, dinner out, theatre, concerts, 21st birthdays, shit even my 50th went without aplomb
- Suicide which will pay for my mortgage debt and leave some for the kids . . .I'm not afraid of dying just the way it happens . .
I'm sounding morose now but I'm clutching at straws, knowing that nobody of influence reads this shit. I need to move on but don't want to upset my family. I love my brother and sister-in-law and my sister and brother-in-law but maybe it's time to think about myself. BabySis is on the verge of selling their dream block because their mortgage is too high and cappucino and dinner out twice a week is too much - sacrifice isn't her strong point, nor should it be.
BabyBro who never reads this blog has invested in the property both financially and emotionally and is looking for a return but bless him, is covering our mortage repayments on a love agreement . . . I admire his trust and I won't let you down bro . . .believe me just pay your bit back and I'll cover the rest. . .I just want to cut and run . . .but with my family intact and all this exacerbated by not being invited to Tropfest. . . .sorry dear readers but I am at my pathetic worst. I'm off for a little cry now and I'll feel much better.
Blurred lines
Team Cuisine
Richard Branson of course . . .(and he's prolly the only one that would actually come)
David Attenborough . . .love his docos but want to know about his wife and family - he must have them
Jamie Oliver . . well someone's gotta cook while I immerse myself in conversation
Keysar Trad . . .I want to know why he's the spin doctor for mad muftis
Al Gore . . .is An Inconvenient Truth true or the beginnings of an election lobby for the Presidential nomination (I thought he was unlucky the last time)
Johnny Dodge and Shifty Rob because I think the conversation would be lively and if I didn't like what they had to say, I could pretend I didn't understand their accents
John Howard . . . so I could vent my disatisfactioin at the red tape of government and his idiotic conception of global warming
David Suzuki . . definitely and environmental bent here but I want to know why farmed Atlantic Salmon is bad for the environment (it's always about the food)
Ken Kenichi . . . Iron chef Chinese so that he can learn how to prepare food from Jamie so that it doesn't suffer and perhaps let the Japanese know that Horse, Whale, Beche de Mer and Sea Urchin roe are not for human consumption (plus he'd be handy and entertaining if we wanted Teppanyaki - Japanese food fight over a BBQ plate)
Billy Connolly . . . we'll need some light relief after all the environmentalism and politics and he'd ensure it wouldn't be an early night . . .
Wow . . that's 10 already . . . might have to have another BBQ with the lads (interestingly no women in this collection, there must be some interesting females out there I just can't think of any . . . any suggestions?). Actually I'm rethinking John Howard . . .he's a downer!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Ah the best thing . . .
Vegetarian Wannabe
Friday, February 16, 2007
Shrove Tuesday
Decisions, decisions . . . pikelet type Scottish pancakes with butter and syrup?
Large and fluffy McDonalds style buckwheat flapjacks with maple syrup and whipped butter? Flat French crepes with lemon and sugar or something altogether more exotic?
Savoury perhaps? Chocolate filled? Fruity . . .
Yep, its the crepe . . . ultimately versatile, foldable in a number of shapes, sweet or savoury, simple and saucy - pronounced "crap" if in France . . .(you sort of have to say it in the French gutteral tradition and make sure the 'r' forms in your throat) I don't give a crap about religious traditions but you have to admit, the humble pancake is an extremely versatile food . . . have a go you mugs (at the actual thing, not the pronunciation) and try to flip it without it sticking to the ceiling.
Tim Tams are EVIL!
On the Scale of Things - I'm Somewhere Between the Dentist and a Hair Cut
But no . . . Since January, we have had ONE lunch thanks to her skiing in Japan and last week, she attended a convention - junket I call it - and dogged me but that was OK cos I went out with Earth Mother, Butterfly Girl, Char and Themostannoyingparraplannerontheplannet, then this week . . . Thommo has to leave early to make herself beautiful for another junket dinner appointment. Next week it will be the hairdresser, the week after that the dentist . . . why do I bother . . . she's lucky I love her otherwise I'd be on the market for a new best friend who wants to have lunch and who can fit me into her schedule slightly above the next hair doo . . . am I bitter? mmm . . . I think so.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day
Ah well . . . ButterflyGirl's going to lunch, Char gets a romantic dinner and a bear hug from the Truckie, Arky probably gets a glass thrown at him for buying something inappropriate or not sourcing white tulips, Stan will no doubt get lots of kisses and hugs from the insta-family . . . even Stresssany and BabyBro will extend their 25th Anniversary and I'm damn sure Babysis will insist on Jewellery . . . she'll buy it herself! And, my romantic little DrummerBoy will be taking the Fringelet to dinner.
So, that leaves ClareBear and I . . . sadly single but together this Valentine's Day.
Perhaps we'll go pub crawling and ask single men to marry us . . . who knows, we might get lucky
Here are some thoughts for lovers young and old on this romantic day . . .
- If love is blind, then why is lingerie so popular?
- Falling in love is so hard on the knees (Stephen Tyler)
- Love is a grave mental disease (Plato)
- Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs (Shakespeare)
- Never go to bed mad . . . stay up and fight! (Phyllis Diller)
- Love is like war . . .easy to begin but hard to end!
- Love has the power of making you believe what you would normally treat with the deepest suspicion
- It is not uncommon for slight acquaintances to get married, but a couple really have to know each other to get divorced
- I love being married, it's so nice to finally find someone special who you can annoy your whole life (Rita Rudner)
- Women like me because I make them laugh and what is an orgasm other than laughter of the loins (Mickey Rooney)
- Marriage is a fine institution - but I'm not ready for an institution (Mae West) . . . .
and finally, my few words of wisdom:
There is your first love, your great love and your last love . . . wherever the latter is, he'd better hurry up, I'm not gettin' any younger!

Silent Treatment
As an experiment, I resolved at the beginning of the week not to speak directly to either these august leaders - just to see how long it would be before a conversation emerged . . . well it's Wednesday . . . nothing, nada, zip . . . not a good morning, not a goodbye, not a single spoken word. And the point of the exercise? Absolutely none other than to prove 'a' point. Care factor zero on both sides I guess.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Green with . . . skeptisim
for a CO2 eating solution? Well it's gotta be a win win . . . he is one of the 10 people I'd like to invite to dinner.
Sweet Young Things
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Porn Stars
Here's a few to get you going:
- Lily Fairway
- Brenna Faulkland
- Buster Irwin
- Nelson Eden
- Toby Dural-Downs
- Lawrence Pinus
- Chippy Pinus (that's a cracker)
- Slugger Casuarina
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Scentsitive Issue
Sunday, February 04, 2007
I will probably remove this when I calm down.
The Cruelest Awakening
Saturday, February 03, 2007
It's a Lonely Time
Friday, February 02, 2007
Hug, Kiss or Shake?
So why was I so nervous? Do I greet with a handshake, go the full hug or the polite European cheek kiss? The bastard was late and I was stewing for 40 minutes about the greeting . . . nothing else - just how would I react. I needn't have worried, he felt the same but he's lovely. Went the hug, took the wine (which I should have given back to you when you left by the way but forgot) and had a lovely evening. He's just as I expected, shortish, cute, quiet, arrogant, educated, knowledgeable, pedantic, honest, probing (in a questioning kind of way) but utterly comfortable to be with. We covered everything from colloquial names for glasses of beer to drug use, being at school, photography, relationships and the quality of the oysters. And I was worried there would be silent gaps - I needn't have. Nice one Arky, it was exceptional to meet you. And thanks ClareBear for cleaning up, you're a gem. Next time come for a little longer, bring the same weather with you (it's raining), bring the girlf and all the nerves will have gawn.
Now, do I have the courage to meet Oirsh?