Saturday, September 06, 2008

Pwned the Piste

It's been raining today. One of those solid, set in wet rain kind of days. I've managed to do the housework and the lounge looks like a Chinese laundry (little need for tumble dryer's here so naturally I don't have one). And guilty as charged have spent many hours in front of the computer. However, landscapers don't work in the rain. Wicked Witch syndrome, they melt apparently. So what does a landscaper do on a Saturday instead of earning megabucks? They drop their girlf home at 9am because she has better things to do . . . go to the bottle shop and buy a slab, a bottle of Jim Beam and 2 litres of Coke, meat pies, potato gems and copious amounts of garlic bread - invite their friend with the X-Box over and spend 12 hours playing video games, making the kitchen smell and burning their treats. The upside? They go to bed early! At least they're not 'keying' cars or beating up Lebs at the mall!

The 'play' list

Hunkered down but only two controllers . . . when is it my turn?

Necessary refreshment . . .although I'm not sure about the combination
of beer and tomato sauce, pie post coming soon!

Need sustenance to go with the beer!

pwned the piste!

Girls are much more fun, they shop and do lunch!


Ces Adorio said...

Looks like they had fun. The boys are wearing sweaters. Is it still cold down there? The best part of rain: by the window, curling up in one's favorite chair with a throw, a good book and a cup of coffee, tea or chocolate. Keep dry Baino.

Anonymous said...

I think I must be a girl then !, I have never got into these computers games, I guess I have always played sports, even in the rain... you should see how much cricket we have played in the rain !!!!

But I love the idea of a slab, pizza, and genral lazyness of a saturday... might suggest that to Mrs M for todays plan !

Anonymous said...

Typical blokes, eh? Twelve hours playing video games? I'm amazed their eyes still function. Still, whatever floats your boat as they say (and that sounds like an appropriate metaphor right now)....

Anonymous said...

I also have X box but only a few games I have (nascar 2006, DTM Race Driver 2, Godfather, Fifa street 2, and I used to have a cool star wars game but my dad gave it to someone).

Megan said...

This is the third blog I've visited today that has rain!

I have never tried JB & coke but I suppose it can't be much different from JD, right? Bourbon is bourbon!

Good luck with the laundry. I haven't started mine yet but it looms, it looms!

laughingwolf said...

what? no foster's??? :0 lol

we're soaked up the yin-yang ...rained today, now, and more on the way....

Anonymous said...

That would be 'pwned teh_piste' ...

Baino said...

Yep very lazy day Ces. Not so this morning, the sun is shining and I'm practising my work aversion therapy before getting stuck in!

Moon, he doesn't do it much. The kid works six days a week so I don't begrudge the odd gamefest. It's the drinking at 10 in the morning I'm more worried about! Thankfully this is NOT a regular occurrance. We're wusses over here . . if it rains all bets are off. That's how unused to more than a summer storm or a single day's rain we are . .I don't even own an umbrella!

Nick apparently that's nothing. 24 hours is the big one. He'll be put to work today to make up for it!

Ropi, Adam has a PS3 but his friend brings over the XBox. He's keen on driving and racing games but also plays GTA4, CoD and Rainbow 6. Your dad gave it away? Sacriledge!

Not a spirit drinker myself Megan but yes I guess its all the same stuff. GAH! Laundry, it never goes away! All sunny and breezy today though!

Wuffa nobody in Australia drinks Fosters, seriously. Only foreigners. It's not even advertised on TV. Well frankly we need the rain but 2 days in a row of persistant soaking gets a bit boring. Sadly it rarely falls in the catchments.

Notso: thanks for the spelling correction. You know I'm a n00b. w00t! You can ROFLMCOPTER anytime.

Ces Adorio said...

What does the title of this post mean?

Kath Lockett said...

You;re right. At least he's home, with some good mates. I've never, ever understood the fascination with computer/video games, though.

Unknown said...

those are some top mates, especially the one on the left. What a hottie.

Baino said...

Ces, clearly your younglings aren't gamers 'pwned' is a gamer spelling error which means 'owned' they have a language all their own which incidentally was taught to me by another youngling gamer (mine doesn't speaka da language) who I have yet to meet 'pwned_teh_n00bs' leetspeak and trust me, you don't want to go there!
The things I do to stay in touch with the younger generation!

Haha Kath . .you have a girl! He's not an habitual gamer but the boy likes racing things and blowing stuff up. Perfectly natural isn't it? Worry not, he spends 50% of his time in the fresh air! 20% sleeping and the rest with the lovely fringelet or the game boys! Hey, frankly, I'd rather him be jumping motocross bikes in the virtual world than looking at some of his videos on the real McCoy! It's terrifying watchint your son do a 60 foot Jesus on a Honda 150!

Ryan, my left or your left? You think Otley's a hottie?
(hey at my age, you're all hot! Now if I was a bloke that would be rather disturbing!)

laughingwolf said...

sorry, it's the only oz beer advertised here i know of...

kinda like no mexican drinks 'corona' beer, i guess?

Anonymous said...

I used to looooove computer games! I still play solitaire and Mah Jhong, but I don't seem to have time for the adventure games or the games of skill where you just have to have 'one more go' before you pack up.

One of my kids had a great game called micro machines. Gave me RSI, but I loved it! LOL!