Thursday, August 21, 2008

Mystery Pix

Bit busy tonight so something of a tease . . . I took these shots last weekend . . ., outside, in broad daylight, at the same spot and only seconds apart . . . no photoshopping, no enhancement just point and shoot, crop and post so what on earth is going on here?

Sorry Kahlerisms and JD are in the know so they're not allowed to play!


Unknown said...

It's raining outside, you got sick of playing my two drops on the window pane and shot the flowers and the garden through the drippy window...???

Actually, whatever they are, they're bloody stunning! Very arty and dead cool! Yeah!

Thriftcriminal said...

OK. I'll play, I'll drop you a mail though so as not to spoil the fun for everyone else :-)

Megan said...

Rain, rain, go away? Or not?

Ces Adorio said...

1) You left your orange plastic flatware outside and it froze after the rain.

2) The aliens are coming.

3) You need a higher resolution camera.

4) You are a tease.

Baino said...

AV: I was very surprised at the outcome. That magical David McMahon said "take you're camera everywhere" good advice and it's working. Completely shocked I was!

Thrifty: got it in one! Damn your attention to detail!

Ces: Orange plastic flatware? Good God woman, that is so last Tuesday! Tease? Moi? That's the point . . I'm weeding out the artsy fartsy's from the focus on detail engineers here . .(trust me I hover somewhere between the two)

All will be revealed!

Bimbimbie said...

Interesting images ... something's getting a wash at the car wash or laundromat .... OR I know, you have a submersible camera diving into rainbow coloured cocktails ;)

laughingwolf said...

seems all pick rain shots, me included ;) lol

Anonymous said...

Car wash- car wash- Im right ar'nt I ar'nt yeah! sorry I takeing Champex.

DJ Mikey said...

I agree with absolute vanilla.

It seems likely that you got bored and started taking random photos, strangely boredom isn't a great motivator, as it just motivates you to do things to eleviate the boredom.

I would put money on, taking photos of your rain soaked garden, through the window.

Failing that, pic no. 2 looks sort of like an extreme close-up of fish scales. So perhaps you were taking photos at local fishmonger and had an accident, all the while snapping away with your camera.

If the fishmonger scenario is true, I'm glad it was you and not me. I'm allergic to fish.

BTW, some great and interesting images there.

Anonymous said...

I’m telling you. Sitting in a car, taking shots through the window as the wash cycles. I’m so right.

DJ Mikey said...

Have been swayed, now agree with champ-ex, though I still maintain pic no. 2 looks like fish scales.

Now where did I put my adrenaline? Contemplating fish like this, is playing havoc with my allergies.

Anonymous said...

Is it water? :-)

Anonymous said...

Nice photos.

Georgina said...

Je ne sais pas! Debs x

Anonymous said...

The bad thing is I don't know what "the religion" is in Hungary. But I guess corruption.

Ces Adorio said...

Hahahaha! I knew the plastic flatware will get your goat. :-) I don't think you are the type who uses paper plates either. So did you put your car on park or drive as you went through Mr. Bubbles?

Anonymous said...

Shots taken while been driven in a car through a rainy food market.

The are from inside a car anyway.

Baino said...

Bang on to the Carwash people and thanks to Thrifty for keeping it on the quiet. How cool are they! So Mr McMahon's advice is right, take your camera everywhere!

Anonymous said...

Wow, those are AMAZING photos! Must remember to take my camera with me next time I'm in a carwash!

I was going to guess it was one of those rolling advert thingies. :P

Paddy in BA (Quickroute) said...

First one is just plain old rain.

Second one is me on acid revisiting the first pic.

Third one is you after too many chardies watching rain.

am I close?

Baino said...

Quicky it was a purely natural if a little trippy event. No drugs or chardy required

Unknown said...

I am so going to go and hang out at the carwash more often! :-) Very cool and yes, it's an absolute must for a photographer - take the camera everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Looks like your camera had taken some serious Class A's and gone clubbing!

Excellent Adventures said...

Wow, those photos are amazing Mum! You've come such a long way since you first started! I might have to use some of these inthe future!!!

merlinprincesse said...

Your carwashes are upside down! No matter your pics look so strange! hehehehhee...