Thursday, August 02, 2007

Don' t You Dare Die on Me Now!

Babybro and Stressany have gone to Queensland for a little short break and a Christening. I'm in charge of feeding the dogs. The ancient Nelson Mandela, the snappy and needy Keira and of course my own ThePrincess Lilly. All is well, it's 7:30. Keira is waiting as her nom de plume is Madame Scoffalott, ThePrincess has downed her two cups of healthy weight management Purina (wish someone would feed me small portions) but Nelson . . . nowhere to be found. He's black as pitch so if he's carked it in the herbacious border, I won't know until daylight. He's been a bit vague and deaf lately. It's bloody day one and I've lost his dog. Just don't die on me this weekend old fella . . .I'll never live it down.

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