Thursday, January 24, 2008

Aussie Internet Relies on Relay Galapagan Tortoises

Just quietly my ADSL and slug-slow computer are giving me the screen smashing shits today because they're so friggin' lethargic. I want to punch something squishy so that it splats against my French windows. Right. Sorry to those of you who I didn't get to visit today. My internet connection is entirely to blame! Fwoooaaaaar!
*pours another wine and puts up with crap Thursday night TV and fantasises about Rattie Mattie*


Anonymous said...

That happens here sometimes. Usually it is not the PC going slow - it is GM at standstill pace!

I suppose the wine lasts longer when I am slow!!

Jefferson Davis said...

Aaaarrrrggg....I had ADSL for two years and hated every minute of it! It is such a pain! Do ya know what the "IT" guy or gal will say? Reinstall Windows! That supposedly fixes everything. :)

Anonymous said...

"screen smashing shits" may well be the best line I'll hear all day. Sorry for your troubles, but I needed the laugh!!!

Baino said...

Arrrghghgh . . it's not much better at work, maybe it's our local IP or something. I'm sick of reinstalling windows. Works like a charm for a DAY then it's back to go slow. I really need a new PC and a new Internet Connection . . .

Wordnerd: I'm learning a lot of profanity from the Irish, they're very good at it! Glad I perked you up!